調(diào)用IssueNormalVerifiableVC頒發(fā)普通可驗證聲明。可以指定 DID1 做為頒發(fā)者為 DID2 頒發(fā)自定義的可驗證聲明。


您可以在OpenAPI Explorer中直接運行該接口,免去您計算簽名的困擾。運行成功后,OpenAPI Explorer可以自動生成SDK代碼示例。


名稱 類型 是否必選 示例值 描述
Action String IssueNormalVerifiableVC


BareClaimStructBody.N.Claim String "test"


ClientToken String 01357967-61d1-42a9-8a90-f0dd8a161411


Expiration Long -1


Issuer String "did:mychain:xxx"


Subject String "did:mychain:xxx"


BareClaimStructBody.N.ClaimType String ""


RegionId String ""



1. Claim

數(shù)據(jù)類型String, 必填,是用戶自定義聲明內(nèi)容;

2. ClaimType



名稱 類型 示例值 描述
RequestId String "4D1E29A7-17D6-48AD-B5AF-F44FAB68D87D"


ResultCode String "OK"


ResultMessage String ""


Success Boolean true


VerifiableClaimContent String "{\"proof\":{\"type\":\"ecdsa\",\"verificationMethod\":\"did:mychain:xxx#keys-1\",\"signatureValue\":\"xxx\"},\"content\":{\"issuanceDate\":1590127960785,\"subject\":\"did:mychain:xxx\",\"expire\":-1,\"claim\":\"test\",\"id\":\"vc:mychain:xxx\",\"type\":[\"VerifiableCredential\"],\"version\":\"0.7.0\",\"@context\":\"https://www.w3.org/2018/credentials/v1\",\"issuer\":\"did:mychain:xxx\",\"status\":{\"id\":\"vc:mychain:xxx\",\"type\":\"BlockChainStatusList\"}}}"

可驗證聲明的完整聲明, 為json對象的字符串。

VerifiableClaimId String "vc:mychain:xxx"









HttpCode 錯誤碼 錯誤信息 描述
500 AchievingError.RedisLock Failed to retrieve the synchronized lock. 獲取同步鎖失敗
500 AsyncCreationFailure.DID Did not find the corresponding item of Mapping while creating DID. Did創(chuàng)建中未發(fā)現(xiàn)Mapping對應(yīng)項目
500 AuthenticationFailure Authentication failed. 認(rèn)證未通過
500 CertificationDuplicate.DID The specified DID is already bound to other user information. 該did已和其他實名信息綁定
500 CertificationNotSupport The tenant has not activated Identity Authentication. 該租戶沒有開通身份認(rèn)證
500 ChildDIDCannotBeDerivedFromRootDID.DIDError The child DID cannot be extended from the root DID. 根DID無法派生出子DID
500 Confliction.ServiceType A conflict occurred to service type. 服務(wù)類型沖突
500 ConflictionInUpdating.DID An error occurred while updating the DID. Did更新沖突
500 ContainsUnsupportedType.VerificableClaim The verifiable claim contains unsupported type. 可驗證聲明包含不支持的類型
500 CountNotEnough.MaskedIdentityVerification The number of desensitized identity verification is insufficient. 脫敏身份驗證次數(shù)不足
500 CreationError.DID Failed to create a DID. Please contact the developer. did生成失敗,請聯(lián)系開發(fā)人員
500 CreationFailure.PreservedAccountResolverReader Failed to create the reserved account ResolverReader. 創(chuàng)建預(yù)留賬戶ResolverReader失敗
500 CreationFailure.ServiceType Failed to save service type into blockchain. 服務(wù)類型上鏈?zhǔn)?/td>
500 DecryptionError.KMS Failed to decrypt. 解密失敗
500 DeletionFailure.VerifiableClaimRepository Failed to delete VC. 刪除VC失敗
500 DidNotPass.Check You did not pass the verification. 未通過審核
500 Duplicate.ServiceId The service ID is duplicated. service id重復(fù)
500 EncryptionError.KMS An encryption error occurred. 加密錯誤
500 Error.HttpCallingCloudShield An error occurred while calling Cloud Security Services using HTTP. http調(diào)用云盾出錯
500 ErrorOccurred.HttpCallingCloudShield An error occurred while calling KMS using HTTP. http調(diào)用kms出錯
500 ErrorReturned.REST A return error occurred to the BaaS Rest service. BaaS Rest服務(wù)返回錯誤
500 Expired.VerifiableClaim The verifiable claim is out of date. 可驗證聲明已過期
500 Failure.CorporateFaceVerification The legal person face verification failed. 企業(yè)法人刷臉結(jié)果為失敗
500 GeneratingPublicPrivateKeyPairError.KMS Failed to create public and private key pairs. 創(chuàng)建公私鑰對失敗
500 GeneratingSignatureError.KMS Failed to compute signatures. 計算簽名失敗
500 HasBeenSetAsInvalid.VerifiableClaim The verifiable claim has already been set as invalid. 可驗證聲明已經(jīng)被置為無效
500 InCreation.DID The DID is being created. Did正在生成中
500 InitializationError.MyChainSDK Failed to initialize MyChainSDK. MyChainSDK初始化失敗
500 InProgress.CorporateFaceVerification The legal person face verification is in progress. 企業(yè)法人刷臉還在進(jìn)行中
500 InternalRPCError An internal RPC error occurred. 內(nèi)部RPC錯誤
500 InUpdating.DID The DID is still being updated. Did正在更新中
500 InvalidCorrespondingKey.DID An error occurred in the corresponding key of DID. DID對應(yīng)KEY異常
500 InvalidType.DID The DID type is abnormal. DID類型異常
500 InvalidVerificationClaim The signature of the verifiable claim is invalid. 可驗證聲明簽名無效
500 NotAuthorized.Creator The creator is not authorized. 創(chuàng)建者無權(quán)限
500 NotDoneYet.FaceVerification The user has not performed face verification. 用戶還未刷臉
403 NotEnoughAuthorization You are not authorized to perform the operation. 權(quán)限不足
404 NotExist.CertificateRecipient The claim recipient does not exist. 聲明接受方不存在
404 NotExist.CertifyId The specified CertifyId does not exist. certifyId不存在
404 NotExist.DID The specified DID does not exist. Did不存在
404 NotExist.Issuer The issuer does not exist. 頒發(fā)者不存在
500 NotExist.ServiceType The specified service type does not exist. service type不存在
404 NotExist.Tenant The tenant does not exist. 租戶不存在
404 NotExist.VerificableClaim The verifiable claim does not exist. 可驗證聲明不存在
404 NotRegistered.CurrentInterfacePermission You are not authorized for this interface. 未開通該接口權(quán)限
404 NotRegistered.DIDService You have not activated the DIS service. 用戶DIS服務(wù)未開通
500 ParametersInitializationError.SDK Failed to initialize SDK parameters. 初始化SDK參數(shù)錯誤
404 PartnerNotExist The partners have not been verified by the DIS service. 合作方還未入住
500 QueryError.DIDDoc Failed to query DID doc. 查詢did doc失敗
500 QueryFailure.ServiceType Failed to query service type. 服務(wù)類型查詢失敗
500 ReadFailure.VerifiableClaimRepository Failed to query VC. 讀取VC失敗
500 RequestContentError Failed to retrieve the requested content. 獲取請求內(nèi)容錯誤
500 RequestParamsError The requested parameters are incorrect. 請求參數(shù)有誤
500 ReturnedResultNotOk.Plus The result returned from BaaS Plus is not OK. baas plus返回結(jié)果不為OK
500 SaveFailure.VerifiableClaimRepository Failed to save VC into repository. 存儲VC到倉庫失敗
500 SavingRequestError Failed to save the requested content. 保存請求內(nèi)容錯誤
500 SendToChainError Failed to write onto the blockchain. 鏈上寫入失敗
405 SignatureFailure Failed to issue a signature. 簽名失敗
500 StatusNotReady.VerificableClaim The status of the verifiable claim is abnormal. 可驗證聲明狀態(tài)不正常
500 Timeout.FaceVerification Face verification has timed out. 刷臉超時
500 TooLong.UserId The maximum length of the UID is exceeded. UID太長
500 TooManyServicesProvided The maximum number of customized services is exceeded. The maximum value is 10. 自定義服務(wù)超過上限
500 TypeError.DID The DID type is invalid. did類型錯誤
500 TypeNotSupport.VerifiableClaimRepository The VC repository type is not supported. 未支持的VC倉庫類型
500 VerificationFailure.DID You have not passed DID verification. did驗證未通過
500 WrongValueReturned.CloudShield The value returned from the cloud endpoint is incorrect. 云端返回值不正確
500 GwError.AccessDenied The access is denied. 訪問受限
500 GwError.ApiNotFound The specified API operation or the version of the API operation does not exist. 找不到api或版本信息
500 GwError.BadResponse The provider response is invalid. 無效的返回信息
500 GwError.ConnectError An RPC error occurred. Rpc錯誤
500 GwError.ConnectError Cannot connect to the provider. 無法鏈接服務(wù)提供方
500 GwError.ConnectRefused The provider service connection is denied. 服務(wù)鏈接拒絕
500 GwError.ConnectTimeout RPC timed out. RPC超時
500 GwError.ConnectTimeout The service has timed out. 服務(wù)超時
500 GwError.ConvertAliyunApiError An error occurred while using channel API. 渠道協(xié)議轉(zhuǎn)換時出現(xiàn)錯誤
500 GwError.IncorrectAliyunApi The API is not configured in this channel. 找不到api配置
500 GwError.IncorrectAliyunConfig The channel configuration does not exist or is invalid. 找不到渠道配置
500 GwError.IncorrectCluster The cluster ID does not exist. 集群id不存在
500 GwError.IncorrectCluster The cluster is not activated. 集群沒有激活
500 GwError.IncorrectCluster The cluster route does not exist. 集群路由不存在
500 GwError.IncorrectDefaultService The default service does not exist. 默認(rèn)服務(wù)不存在
500 GwError.IncorrectRoute The region route does not exist. 區(qū)域路由不存在
500 GwError.IncorrectRoute The route does not exist. 找不到路由
500 GwError.IncorrectRoute The route information does not exist. 找不到路由信息
500 GwError.InvalidAliyunUser The specified Alibaba Cloud user information is invalid. 無效的阿里云用戶信息
500 GwError.InvalidParameter The specified parameter is invalid. 無效的參數(shù)
500 GwError.IpAccessDenied The IP access is denied. 訪問ip受限
500 GwError.MissingParameter You must specify the parameter. 缺少必要參數(shù)
500 GwError.OverRateLimit The rate limit is exceeded. 達(dá)到限流值
500 GwError.RegionProxyError The region proxy server API is unavailable. api服務(wù)不可用
500 GwError.RegionProxyError The region proxy server connection is denied. 區(qū)域代理鏈接拒絕
500 GwError.RegionProxyError The response returned by the region proxy server is invalid. 區(qū)域代理返回信息無效
500 GwError.ResponseSignVerifyError Failed to verify the provider signature. 服務(wù)簽名驗證失敗
500 GwError.SystemError A system error occurred. 系統(tǒng)錯誤
500 GwError.TenantNotFound The specified tenant does not exist. 找不到租戶
500 GwError.TransportError A transport error occurred. 傳輸錯誤
500 GwError.UnknownError A GW unknown error occurred. 未知錯誤
500 GwError.WhiteListDenied The white list is denied. 白名單受限
500 DefaultErrorCode An unknown error occurred. 未知錯誤。

