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-> DEPRECATED: This resource has been deprecated and using alicloud_wafv3_instance instead.

Provides a WAF Instance resource to create instance in the Web Application Firewall.

For information about WAF and how to use it, see What is Alibaba Cloud WAF.

-> NOTE: Available in 1.83.0+ .

Example Usage

data "alicloud_waf_instances" "default" {}
resource "alicloud_waf_instance" "default" {
  count                = length(data.alicloud_waf_instances.default.instances) > 0 ? 0 : 1
  big_screen           = "0"
  exclusive_ip_package = "1"
  ext_bandwidth        = "50"
  ext_domain_package   = "1"
  package_code         = "version_3"
  prefessional_service = "false"
  subscription_type    = "Subscription"
  period               = 1
  waf_log              = "false"
  log_storage          = "3"
  log_time             = "180"
  resource_group_id    = "rs-abc12345"

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • big_screen - (Required, String) Specify whether big screen is supported. Valid values: ["0", "1"]. "0" for false and "1" for true.

  • exclusive_ip_package - (Required, String) Specify the number of exclusive WAF IP addresses.

  • ext_bandwidth - (Required, String) The extra bandwidth. Unit: Mbit/s.

  • ext_domain_package - (Required, String) The number of extra domains.

  • log_storage - (Required, String) Log storage size. Unit: T. Valid values: [3, 5, 10, 20, 50].

  • log_time - (Required, String) Log storage period. Unit: day. Valid values: [180, 360].

  • modify_type - (Optional) Type of configuration change. Valid value: Upgrade.

  • package_code - (Required, String) Subscription plan:

    • China site customers can purchase the following versions of China Mainland region, valid values: ["version_3", "version_4", "version_5"].
    • China site customers can purchase the following versions of International region, valid values: ["version_pro_asia", "version_business_asia", "version_enterprise_asia"]
    • International site customers can purchase the following versions of China Mainland region: ["version_pro_china", "version_business_china", "version_enterprise_china"]
    • International site customers can purchase the following versions of International region: ["version_pro", "version_business", "version_enterprise"].
  • period - (ForceNew) Service time of Web Application Firewall.

  • prefessional_service - (Required, String) Specify whether professional service is supported. Valid values: ["true", "false"]

  • renew_period - (ForceNew) Renewal period of WAF service. Unit: month

  • renewal_status - (ForceNew) Renewal status of WAF service. Valid values:

    • AutoRenewal: The service time of WAF is renewed automatically.
    • ManualRenewal (default): The service time of WAF is renewed manually.Specifies whether to configure a Layer-7 proxy, such as Anti-DDoS Pro or CDN, to filter the inbound traffic before it is forwarded to WAF. Valid values: "On" and "Off". Default to "Off".
  • resource_group_id - (Optional) The resource group ID.

  • region - (Optional, Available in 1.139.0+) The instance region ID.

  • subscription_type - (Required, String) Subscription of WAF service. Valid values: ["Subscription", "PayAsYouGo"].

  • waf_log - (Required, String) Specify whether Log service is supported. Valid values: ["true", "false"]

Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported:

  • id - This resource instance id.
  • status - The status of the instance.


WAF instance can be imported using the id, e.g.

$ terraform import alicloud_waf_instance.default waf-cn-132435