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Provides a VPN Gateway Vpn Attachment resource.

For information about VPN Gateway Vpn Attachment and how to use it, see What is Vpn Attachment.

-> NOTE: Available since v1.181.0.

Example Usage

Basic Usage

variable "name" {
  default = "tf-example"
resource "alicloud_vpn_customer_gateway" "default" {
  customer_gateway_name = var.name
  ip_address            = ""
  asn                   = "45014"
  description           = var.name
resource "alicloud_vpn_gateway_vpn_attachment" "default" {
  customer_gateway_id = alicloud_vpn_customer_gateway.default.id
  network_type        = "public"
  local_subnet        = ""
  remote_subnet       = ""
  effect_immediately  = false
  ike_config {
    ike_auth_alg = "md5"
    ike_enc_alg  = "des"
    ike_version  = "ikev2"
    ike_mode     = "main"
    ike_lifetime = 86400
    psk          = "tf-testvpn2"
    ike_pfs      = "group1"
    remote_id    = "testbob2"
    local_id     = "testalice2"
  ipsec_config {
    ipsec_pfs      = "group5"
    ipsec_enc_alg  = "des"
    ipsec_auth_alg = "md5"
    ipsec_lifetime = 86400
  bgp_config {
    enable       = true
    local_asn    = 45014
    tunnel_cidr  = ""
    local_bgp_ip = ""
  health_check_config {
    enable   = true
    sip      = ""
    dip      = ""
    interval = 10
    retry    = 10
    policy   = "revoke_route"

  enable_dpd           = true
  enable_nat_traversal = true
  vpn_attachment_name  = var.name

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • bgp_config - (Optional) Bgp configuration information. See bgp_config below.
  • customer_gateway_id - (Required, Available since v1.196.0) The ID of the customer gateway. From version 1.196.0, customer_gateway_id can be modified.
  • effect_immediately - (Optional) Indicates whether IPsec-VPN negotiations are initiated immediately. Valid values.
  • enable_dpd - (Optional) Whether to enable the DPD (peer survival detection) function.
  • enable_nat_traversal - (Optional) Allow NAT penetration.
  • health_check_config - (Optional) Health check configuration information. See health_check_config below.
  • ike_config - (Optional) Configuration negotiated in the second stage. See ike_config below.
  • ipsec_config - (Optional) Configuration negotiated in the second stage. See ipsec_config below.
  • local_subnet - (Required) The CIDR block of the virtual private cloud (VPC).
  • network_type - (Optional, ForceNew) The network type of the IPsec connection. Valid values: public, private.
  • remote_subnet - (Required) The CIDR block of the on-premises data center.
  • vpn_attachment_name - (Optional) The name of the vpn attachment.


The ipsec_config supports the following:

  • ipsec_auth_alg - (Optional) The authentication algorithm of phase-two negotiation. Valid value: md5 | sha1 | sha256 | sha384 | sha512 |. Default value: sha1
  • ipsec_enc_alg - (Optional) The encryption algorithm of phase-two negotiation. Valid value: aes | aes192 | aes256 | des | 3des. Default value: aes
  • ipsec_lifetime - (Optional) The SA lifecycle as the result of phase-two negotiation. The valid value is [0, 86400], the unit is second and the default value is 86400.
  • ipsec_pfs - (Optional) The Diffie-Hellman key exchange algorithm used by phase-two negotiation. Valid value: group1 | group2 | group5 | group14 | group24| disabled. Default value: group2


The ike_config supports the following:

  • ike_auth_alg - (Optional) IKE authentication algorithm supports sha1 and MD5.
  • ike_enc_alg - (Optional) The encryption algorithm of phase-one negotiation. Valid value: aes | aes192 | aes256 | des | 3des. Default Valid value: aes.
  • ike_lifetime - (Optional) The SA lifecycle as the result of phase-one negotiation. The valid value of n is [0, 86400], the unit is second and the default value is 86400.
  • ike_mode - (Optional) The negotiation mode of IKE V1. Valid value: main (main mode) | aggressive (aggressive mode). Default value: main.
  • ike_pfs - (Optional) The Diffie-Hellman key exchange algorithm used by phase-one negotiation. Valid value: group1 | group2 | group5 | group14 | group24. Default value: group2
  • ike_version - (Optional) The version of the IKE protocol. Valid value: ikev1, ikev2. Default value: ikev1.
  • local_id - (Optional) The local ID, which supports the FQDN and IP formats. The current VPN gateway IP address is selected by default.
  • psk - (Optional) Used for authentication between the IPsec VPN gateway and the customer gateway.
  • remote_id - (Optional) The peer ID, which supports FQDN and IP formats. By default, the IP address of the currently selected user gateway.


The health_check_config supports the following:

  • dip - (Optional) The destination IP address that is used for health checks.
  • enable - (Optional) Specifies whether to enable health checks.
  • interval - (Optional) The interval between two consecutive health checks. Unit: seconds.
  • retry - (Optional) The maximum number of health check retries.
  • sip - (Optional) The source IP address that is used for health checks.
  • policy - (Optional) Whether to revoke the published route when the health check fails. Valid values: revoke_route or reserve_route.


The bgp_config supports the following:

  • enable - (Optional) Whether to enable BGP.
  • local_asn - (Optional) The ASN on the Alibaba Cloud side.
  • tunnel_cidr - (Optional) The CIDR block of the IPsec tunnel. The CIDR block belongs to The mask of the CIDR block is 30 bits in length.
  • local_bgp_ip - (Optional) The BGP IP address on the Alibaba Cloud side.

Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported:

  • id - The resource ID in terraform of Vpn Attachment.
  • status - The status of the resource.
  • internet_ip - The VPN gateway IP.


The timeouts block allows you to specify timeouts for certain actions:

  • create - (Defaults to 1 mins) Used when creating the Vpn Attachment.
  • update - (Defaults to 10 mins) Used when updating the Vpn Attachment.
  • delete - (Defaults to 1 mins) Used when deleting the Vpn Attachment.


VPN Gateway Vpn Attachment can be imported using the id, e.g.

$ terraform import alicloud_vpn_gateway_vpn_attachment.example <id>