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The data transformation of the log service is a hosted, highly available, and scalable data processing service, which is widely applicable to scenarios such as data regularization, enrichment, distribution, aggregation, and index reconstruction. Refer to details.

-> NOTE: Available in 1.120.0

Example Usage

Basic Usage

resource "random_integer" "default" {
  max = 99999
  min = 10000

resource "alicloud_log_project" "example" {
  project_name = "terraform-example-${random_integer.default.result}"
  description  = "terraform-example"

resource "alicloud_log_store" "example" {
  project_name          = alicloud_log_project.example.project_name
  logstore_name         = "example-store"
  retention_period      = 3650
  shard_count           = 3
  auto_split            = true
  max_split_shard_count = 60
  append_meta           = true

resource "alicloud_log_store" "example2" {
  project_name          = alicloud_log_project.example.project_name
  logstore_name         = "example-store2"
  retention_period      = 3650
  shard_count           = 3
  auto_split            = true
  max_split_shard_count = 60
  append_meta           = true

resource "alicloud_log_store" "example3" {
  project_name          = alicloud_log_project.example.project_name
  logstore_name         = "example-store3"
  retention_period      = 3650
  shard_count           = 3
  auto_split            = true
  max_split_shard_count = 60
  append_meta           = true

resource "alicloud_log_etl" "example" {
  etl_name          = "terraform-example"
  project           = alicloud_log_project.example.project_name
  display_name      = "terraform-example"
  description       = "terraform-example"
  access_key_id     = "access_key_id"
  access_key_secret = "access_key_secret"
  script            = "e_set('new','key')"
  logstore          = alicloud_log_store.example.logstore_name
  etl_sinks {
    name              = "target_name"
    access_key_id     = "example2_access_key_id"
    access_key_secret = "example2_access_key_secret"
    endpoint          = "cn-hangzhou.log.aliyuncs.com"
    project           = alicloud_log_project.example.project_name
    logstore          = alicloud_log_store.example2.logstore_name
  etl_sinks {
    name              = "target_name2"
    access_key_id     = "example3_access_key_id"
    access_key_secret = "example3_access_key_secret"
    endpoint          = "cn-hangzhou.log.aliyuncs.com"
    project           = alicloud_log_project.example.project_name
    logstore          = alicloud_log_store.example3.logstore_name

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • etl_name - (Required, ForceNew) The name of the log etl job.

  • description - (Optional) Description of the log etl job.

  • project - (Required, ForceNew) The name of the project where the etl job is located.

  • display_name - (Required) Log service etl job alias.

  • schedule - (Optional) Job scheduling type, the default value is Resident.

  • etl_type - (Optional) Log service etl type, the default value is ETL.

  • status - (Optional) Log project tags. the default value is RUNNING, Only 4 values are supported: STARTINGRUNNINGSTOPPINGSTOPPED.

  • create_time - (Optional) The etl job create time.

  • last_modified_time - (Optional) ETL job last modified time.

  • access_key_id - (Optional,Sensitive) Source logstore access key id.

  • kms_encrypted_access_key_id - (Optional) An KMS encrypts access key id used to a log etl job. If the access_key_id is filled in, this field will be ignored.

  • kms_encryption_access_key_id_context - (Optional) An KMS encryption context used to decrypt kms_encrypted_access_key_id before creating or updating an instance with kms_encrypted_access_key_id. See Encryption Context. It is valid when kms_encrypted_password is set. When it is changed, the instance will reboot to make the change take effect.

  • access_key_secret - (Optional,Sensitive) Source logstore access key secret.

  • kms_encrypted_access_key_secret - (Optional) An KMS encrypts access key secret used to a log etl job. If the access_key_secret is filled in, this field will be ignored.

  • kms_encryption_access_key_secret_context - (Optional) An KMS encryption context used to decrypt kms_encrypted_access_key_secret before creating or updating an instance with kms_encrypted_access_key_secret. See Encryption Context. It is valid when kms_encrypted_password is set. When it is changed, the instance will reboot to make the change take effect.

  • from_time - (Optional) The start time of the processing job, if not set the value is 0, indicates to start processing from the oldest data.

  • to_time - (Optional) Deadline of processing job, if not set the value is 0, indicates that new data will be processed continuously.

  • script - (Required) Processing operation grammar.

  • version - (Optional) Log etl job version. the default value is 2.

  • logstore - (Required) The source logstore of the processing job.

  • parameters - (Optional) Advanced parameter configuration of processing operations.

  • role_arn - (Optional) Sts role info under source logstore. role_arn and (access_key_id, access_key_secret) fill in at most one. If you do not fill in both, then you must fill in (kms_encrypted_access_key_id, kms_encrypted_access_key_secret, kms_encryption_access_key_id_context, kms_encryption_access_key_secret_context) to use KMS to get the key pair.

  • etl_sinks - (Required) Target logstore configuration for delivery after data processing.

    • access_key_id - (Optional,Sensitive) Delivery target logstore access key id.
    • kms_encrypted_access_key_id - (Optional) An KMS encrypts access key id used to a log etl job. If the access_key_id is filled in, this field will be ignored.
    • access_key_secret- (Optional,Sensitive) Delivery target logstore access key secret.
    • kms_encrypted_access_key_secret - (Optional) An KMS encrypts access key secret used to a log etl job. If the access_key_secret is filled in, this field will be ignored.
    • endpoint - (Required) Delivery target logstore region.
    • name - (Required) Delivery target name.
    • project - (Required) The project where the target logstore is delivered.
    • logstore - (Required) Delivery target logstore.
    • role_arn - (Optional) Sts role info under delivery target logstore. role_arn and (access_key_id, access_key_secret) fill in at most one. If you do not fill in both, then you must fill in (kms_encrypted_access_key_id, kms_encrypted_access_key_secret, kms_encryption_access_key_id_context, kms_encryption_access_key_secret_context) to use KMS to get the key pair.
    • type - (Optional) ETL sinks type, the default value is AliyunLOG.

-> Note: from_time and to_time no modification allowed after successful creation.

Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported:

  • id - The ID of the log etl. It formats of <project>:<etl_name>.


The timeouts block allows you to specify timeouts for certain actions:

  • create - (Defaults to 2 mins) Used when Creating LogEtl instance.
  • delete - (Defaults to 3 mins) Used when terminating the LogEtl instance.
  • update - (Defaults to 5 mins) Used when Updating LogEtl instance.


Log etl can be imported using the id, e.g.

$ terraform import alicloud_log_etl.example tf-log-project:tf-log-etl-name