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Manages an asynchronous invocation configuration for a FC Function or Alias.
For the detailed information, please refer to the developer guide.

-> NOTE: Available since v1.100.0.

Example Usage

Destination Configuration

-> NOTE Ensure the FC Function RAM Role has necessary permissions for the destination, such as mns:SendMessage, mns:PublishMessage or fc:InvokeFunction, otherwise the API will return a generic error.

provider "alicloud" {
  region = "cn-hangzhou"

data "alicloud_account" "default" {}
data "alicloud_regions" "default" {
  current = true

resource "random_integer" "default" {
  max = 99999
  min = 10000

resource "alicloud_ram_role" "default" {
  name        = "examplerole${random_integer.default.result}"
  document    = <<DEFINITION
		"Statement": [
			"Action": "sts:AssumeRole",
			"Effect": "Allow",
			"Principal": {
			  "Service": [
		"Version": "1"
  description = "this is a example"
  force       = true
resource "alicloud_ram_policy" "default" {
  policy_name     = "examplepolicy${random_integer.default.result}"
  policy_document = <<DEFINITION
		"Version": "1",
		"Statement": [
			"Action": "mns:*",
			"Resource": "*",
			"Effect": "Allow"
resource "alicloud_ram_role_policy_attachment" "default" {
  role_name   = alicloud_ram_role.default.name
  policy_name = alicloud_ram_policy.default.policy_name
  policy_type = "Custom"

resource "alicloud_fc_service" "default" {
  name            = "example-value-${random_integer.default.result}"
  description     = "example-value"
  role            = alicloud_ram_role.default.arn
  internet_access = false

resource "alicloud_oss_bucket" "default" {
  bucket = "terraform-example-${random_integer.default.result}"
# If you upload the function by OSS Bucket, you need to specify path can't upload by content.
resource "alicloud_oss_bucket_object" "default" {
  bucket  = alicloud_oss_bucket.default.id
  key     = "index.py"
  content = "import logging \ndef handler(event, context): \nlogger = logging.getLogger() \nlogger.info('hello world') \nreturn 'hello world'"

resource "alicloud_fc_function" "default" {
  service     = alicloud_fc_service.default.name
  name        = "terraform-example-${random_integer.default.result}"
  description = "example"
  oss_bucket  = alicloud_oss_bucket.default.id
  oss_key     = alicloud_oss_bucket_object.default.key
  memory_size = "512"
  runtime     = "python3.10"
  handler     = "hello.handler"

resource "alicloud_mns_queue" "default" {
  name = "terraform-example-${random_integer.default.result}"
resource "alicloud_mns_topic" "default" {
  name = "terraform-example-${random_integer.default.result}"

resource "alicloud_fc_function_async_invoke_config" "default" {
  service_name  = alicloud_fc_service.default.name
  function_name = alicloud_fc_function.default.name

  destination_config {
    on_failure {
      destination = "acs:mns:${data.alicloud_regions.default.regions.0.id}:${data.alicloud_account.default.id}:/queues/${alicloud_mns_queue.default.name}/messages"

    on_success {
      destination = "acs:mns:${data.alicloud_regions.default.regions.0.id}:${data.alicloud_account.default.id}:/topics/${alicloud_mns_topic.default.name}/messages"

  # Error Handling Configuration
  maximum_event_age_in_seconds = 60
  maximum_retry_attempts       = 0

  # Async Job Configuration
  stateful_invocation = true

  # Configuration for Function Latest Unpublished Version
  qualifier = "LATEST"


Argument Reference

  • service_name - (Required, ForceNew) Name of the Function Compute Function, omitting any version or alias qualifier.
  • function_name - (Required, ForceNew) Name of the Function Compute Function.
  • destination_config - (Optional) Configuration block with destination configuration. See destination_config below.
  • maximum_event_age_in_seconds - (Optional) Maximum age of a request that Function Compute sends to a function for processing in seconds. Valid values between 1 and 2592000 (between 60 and 21600 before v1.167.0).
  • maximum_retry_attempts - (Optional) Maximum number of times to retry when the function returns an error. Valid values between 0 and 8 (between 0 and 2 before v1.167.0). Defaults to 2.
  • stateful_invocation - (Optional) Function Compute async job configuration(also known as Task Mode). valid values true or false, default false
  • qualifier - (Optional, ForceNew) Function Compute Function published version, LATEST, or Function Compute Alias name. The default value is LATEST.


-> NOTE: At least one of on_failure or on_success must be configured when using this configuration block, otherwise remove it completely to prevent perpetual differences in Terraform runs.

The following arguments are optional:

  • on_failure - (Optional) Configuration block with destination configuration for failed asynchronous invocations. See on_failure below.
  • on_success - (Optional) Configuration block with destination configuration for successful asynchronous invocations. See on_success below.


The following arguments are required:

  • destination - (Required) Alicloud Resource Name (ARN) of the destination resource. See the Developer Guide for acceptable resource types and associated RAM permissions.


The following arguments are required:

  • destination - (Required) Alicloud Resource Name (ARN) of the destination resource. See the Developer Guide for acceptable resource types and associated RAM permissions.

Attributes Reference

In addition to all arguments above, the following arguments are exported:

  • id - Fully qualified Function Compute Function name (service_name:function_name:qualifier) or Alicloud Resource Name (ARN).
  • created_time - The date this resource was created.
  • last_modified_time - The date this resource was last modified.


Function Compute Function Async Invoke Configs can be imported using the id, e.g.

$ terraform import alicloud_fc_function_async_invoke_config.example my_function