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-> DEPRECATED: This resource has been renamed to alicloud_ecs_auto_snapshot_policy from version 1.117.0.

Provides an ECS snapshot policy resource.

For information about snapshot policy and how to use it, see Snapshot.

-> NOTE: Available in 1.42.0+.

Example Usage

resource "alicloud_snapshot_policy" "sp" {
  name            = "tf-testAcc-sp"
  repeat_weekdays = ["1", "2", "3"]
  retention_days  = -1
  time_points     = ["1", "22", "23"]

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • name - (Optional) The snapshot policy name.

  • repeat_weekdays - (Required) The automatic snapshot repetition dates. The unit of measurement is day and the repeating cycle is a week. Value range: [1, 7], which represents days starting from Monday to Sunday, for example 1 indicates Monday. When you want to schedule multiple automatic snapshot tasks for a disk in a week, you can set the RepeatWeekdays to an array.

    • A maximum of seven time points can be selected.
    • The format is an JSON array of ["1", "2", … "7"] and the time points are separated by commas (,).
  • retention_days - (Required) The snapshot retention time, and the unit of measurement is day. Optional values:

    • -1: The automatic snapshots are retained permanently.
    • [1, 65536]: The number of days retained.

    Default value: -1.

  • time_points - (Required) The automatic snapshot creation schedule, and the unit of measurement is hour. Value range: [0, 23], which represents from 00:00 to 24:00, for example 1 indicates 01:00. When you want to schedule multiple automatic snapshot tasks for a disk in a day, you can set the TimePoints to an array.

    • A maximum of 24 time points can be selected.
    • The format is an JSON array of ["0", "1", … "23"] and the time points are separated by commas (,).

Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported:

  • id - The snapshot policy ID.


Snapshot can be imported using the id, e.g.

$ terraform import alicloud_snapshot_policy.snapshot sp-abc1234567890000