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Provides a Cloud Firewall Vpc Firewall Control Policy resource.

For information about Cloud Firewall Vpc Firewall Control Policy and how to use it, see What is Vpc Firewall Control Policy.

-> NOTE: Available since v1.194.0.

Example Usage

Basic Usage

variable "name" {
  default = "terraform-example"

data "alicloud_account" "default" {

resource "alicloud_cen_instance" "default" {
  cen_instance_name = var.name
  description       = "example_value"
  tags = {
    Created = "TF"
    For     = "acceptance test"

resource "alicloud_cloud_firewall_vpc_firewall_control_policy" "default" {
  order            = "1"
  destination      = ""
  application_name = "ANY"
  description      = "example_value"
  source_type      = "net"
  dest_port        = "80/88"
  acl_action       = "accept"
  lang             = "zh"
  destination_type = "net"
  source           = ""
  dest_port_type   = "port"
  proto            = "TCP"
  release          = true
  member_uid       = data.alicloud_account.default.id
  vpc_firewall_id  = alicloud_cen_instance.default.id

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • vpc_firewall_id - (Required, ForceNew) The ID of the VPC firewall instance. Valid values:
    • When the VPC firewall protects traffic between two VPCs connected through the cloud enterprise network, the policy group ID uses the cloud enterprise network instance ID.
    • When the VPC firewall protects traffic between two VPCs connected through the express connection, the policy group ID uses the ID of the VPC firewall instance.
  • application_name - (Required) The type of the applications that the access control policy supports. Valid values: FTP, HTTP, HTTPS, MySQL, SMTP, SMTPS, RDP, VNC, SSH, Redis, MQTT, MongoDB, Memcache, SSL, ANY.
  • description - (Required) Access control over VPC firewalls description of the strategy information.
  • acl_action - (Required) The action that Cloud Firewall performs on the traffic. Valid values: accept, drop, log.
  • source - (Required) Access control over VPC firewalls strategy in the source address.
  • source_type - (Required) The type of the source address in the access control policy. Valid values: net, group.
  • destination - (Required) The destination address in the access control policy. Valid values:
    • If destination_type is set to net, the value of destination must be a CIDR block.
    • If destination_type is set to group, the value of destination must be an address book.
    • If destination_type is set to domain, the value of destination must be a domain name.
  • destination_type - (Required) The type of the destination address in the access control policy. Valid values: net, group, domain.
  • proto - (Required) The type of the protocol in the access control policy. Valid values: ANY, TCP, UDP, ICMP.
  • order - (Required, ForceNew, Int) The priority of the access control policy. The priority value starts from 1. A smaller priority value indicates a higher priority.
  • dest_port - (Optional) The destination port in the access control policy. Note: If dest_port_type is set to port, you must specify this parameter.
  • dest_port_group - (Optional) Access control policy in the access traffic of the destination port address book name. Note: If dest_port_type is set to group, you must specify this parameter.
  • dest_port_type - (Optional) The type of the destination port in the access control policy. Valid values: port, group.
  • release - (Optional, Bool) The enabled status of the access control policy. The policy is enabled by default after it is created.. Valid values:
    • true: Enable access control policies
    • false: does not enable access control policies.
  • member_uid - (Optional, ForceNew) The UID of the member account of the current Alibaba cloud account.
  • lang - (Optional) The language of the content within the request and response. Valid values: zh, en.

Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported:

  • id - The resource ID of Vpc Firewall Control Policy. The value formats as <vpc_firewall_id>:<acl_uuid>.
  • acl_uuid - Access control over VPC firewalls strategy unique identifier.
  • application_id - Policy specifies the application ID.
  • source_group_cidrs - SOURCE address of the address list.
  • source_group_type - The source address type in the access control policy.
  • destination_group_cidrs - Destination address book defined in the address list.
  • destination_group_type - The destination address book type in the access control policy.
  • dest_port_group_ports - Port Address Book port list.
  • hit_times - Control strategy of hits per second.


The timeouts block allows you to specify timeouts for certain actions:

  • create - (Defaults to 5 mins) Used when create the Vpc Firewall Control Policy.
  • update - (Defaults to 5 mins) Used when update the Vpc Firewall Control Policy.
  • delete - (Defaults to 5 mins) Used when delete the Vpc Firewall Control Policy.


Cloud Firewall Vpc Firewall Control Policy can be imported using the id, e.g.

$ terraform import alicloud_cloud_firewall_vpc_firewall_control_policy.example <vpc_firewall_id>:<acl_uuid>