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Provides a Cloud Enterprise Network (CEN) Transit Router Vpn Attachment resource.

For information about Cloud Enterprise Network (CEN) Transit Router Vpn Attachment and how to use it, see What is Transit Router Vpn Attachment.

-> NOTE: Available since v1.183.0.

Example Usage

Basic Usage

variable "name" {
  default = "tf_example"
data "alicloud_cen_transit_router_available_resources" "default" {
resource "alicloud_cen_instance" "example" {
  cen_instance_name = var.name

resource "alicloud_cen_transit_router" "example" {
  cen_id                     = alicloud_cen_instance.example.id
  transit_router_description = var.name
  transit_router_name        = var.name

resource "alicloud_vpn_customer_gateway" "example" {
  name        = var.name
  ip_address  = ""
  asn         = "45014"
  description = var.name

resource "alicloud_vpn_gateway_vpn_attachment" "example" {
  customer_gateway_id = alicloud_vpn_customer_gateway.example.id
  network_type        = "public"
  local_subnet        = ""
  remote_subnet       = ""
  effect_immediately  = false
  ike_config {
    ike_auth_alg = "md5"
    ike_enc_alg  = "des"
    ike_version  = "ikev2"
    ike_mode     = "main"
    ike_lifetime = 86400
    psk          = "tf-testvpn2"
    ike_pfs      = "group1"
    remote_id    = "testbob2"
    local_id     = "testalice2"
  ipsec_config {
    ipsec_pfs      = "group5"
    ipsec_enc_alg  = "des"
    ipsec_auth_alg = "md5"
    ipsec_lifetime = 86400
  bgp_config {
    enable       = true
    local_asn    = 45014
    tunnel_cidr  = ""
    local_bgp_ip = ""
  health_check_config {
    enable   = true
    sip      = ""
    dip      = ""
    interval = 10
    retry    = 10
    policy   = "revoke_route"

  enable_dpd           = true
  enable_nat_traversal = true
  vpn_attachment_name  = var.name

resource "alicloud_cen_transit_router_cidr" "example" {
  transit_router_id        = alicloud_cen_transit_router.example.transit_router_id
  cidr                     = ""
  transit_router_cidr_name = var.name
  description              = var.name
  publish_cidr_route       = true

resource "alicloud_cen_transit_router_vpn_attachment" "example" {
  auto_publish_route_enabled            = false
  transit_router_attachment_description = var.name
  transit_router_attachment_name        = var.name
  cen_id                                = alicloud_cen_transit_router.example.cen_id
  transit_router_id                     = alicloud_cen_transit_router_cidr.example.transit_router_id
  vpn_id                                = alicloud_vpn_gateway_vpn_attachment.example.id
  zone {
    zone_id = data.alicloud_cen_transit_router_available_resources.default.resources.0.master_zones.0

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • auto_publish_route_enabled - (Optional) Whether to allow the forwarding router instance to automatically publish routing entries to IPsec connections.
  • cen_id - (Optional, ForceNew) The id of the cen.
  • transit_router_attachment_description - (Optional) The description of the VPN connection. The description can contain 2 to 256 characters. The description must start with English letters, but cannot start with http:// or https://.
  • transit_router_attachment_name - (Optional) The name of the VPN connection. The name must be 2 to 128 characters in length, and can contain digits, underscores (_), and hyphens (-). It must start with a letter.
  • transit_router_id - (Required, ForceNew) The ID of the forwarding router instance.
  • vpn_id - (Required, ForceNew) The id of the vpn.
  • vpn_owner_id - (Optional, ForceNew) The owner id of vpn. NOTE: You must set vpn_owner_id, if you want to connect the transit router to an IPsec-VPN connection that belongs to another Alibaba Cloud account.
  • zone - (Required, ForceNew) The list of zone mapping. See zone below.
  • tags - (Optional, Available in v1.193.1+) A mapping of tags to assign to the resource.


The zone supports the following:

  • zone_id - (Required, ForceNew) The id of the zone.

Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported:

  • id - The resource ID in terraform of Transit Router Vpn Attachment.
  • status - The associating status of the network.


The timeouts block allows you to specify timeouts for certain actions:

  • create - (Defaults to 40 mins) Used when create the Transit Router Vpn Attachment.
  • update - (Defaults to 1 mins) Used when update the Transit Router Vpn Attachment.
  • delete - (Defaults to 30 mins) Used when delete the Transit Router Vpn Attachment.


Cloud Enterprise Network (CEN) Transit Router Vpn Attachment can be imported using the id, e.g.

$ terraform import alicloud_cen_transit_router_vpn_attachment.example <id>