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Provides a AnalyticDB for PostgreSQL (GPDB) DB Instance Plan resource.

For information about AnalyticDB for PostgreSQL (GPDB) DB Instance Plan and how to use it, see What is DB Instance Plan.

-> NOTE: Available since v1.189.0.

Example Usage

Basic Usage

provider "alicloud" {
  region = "cn-hangzhou"

variable "name" {
  default = "tf-example"

data "alicloud_resource_manager_resource_groups" "default" {

data "alicloud_gpdb_zones" "default" {

data "alicloud_vpcs" "default" {
  name_regex = "^default-NODELETING$"
data "alicloud_vswitches" "default" {
  vpc_id  = data.alicloud_vpcs.default.ids.0
  zone_id = data.alicloud_gpdb_zones.default.ids.0

resource "alicloud_gpdb_instance" "default" {
  db_instance_category  = "HighAvailability"
  db_instance_class     = "gpdb.group.segsdx1"
  db_instance_mode      = "StorageElastic"
  description           = var.name
  engine                = "gpdb"
  engine_version        = "6.0"
  zone_id               = data.alicloud_gpdb_zones.default.ids.0
  instance_network_type = "VPC"
  instance_spec         = "2C16G"
  master_node_num       = 1
  payment_type          = "PayAsYouGo"
  private_ip_address    = ""
  seg_storage_type      = "cloud_essd"
  seg_node_num          = 4
  storage_size          = 50
  vpc_id                = data.alicloud_vpcs.default.ids.0
  vswitch_id            = data.alicloud_vswitches.default.ids[0]
  ip_whitelist {
    security_ip_list = ""

resource "alicloud_gpdb_db_instance_plan" "default" {
  db_instance_plan_name = var.name
  plan_desc             = var.name
  plan_type             = "PauseResume"
  plan_schedule_type    = "Regular"
  plan_start_date       = formatdate("YYYY-MM-DD'T'hh:mm:ss'Z'", timeadd(timestamp(), "1h"))
  plan_end_date         = formatdate("YYYY-MM-DD'T'hh:mm:ss'Z'", timeadd(timestamp(), "24h"))
  plan_config {
    resume {
      plan_cron_time = "0 0 0 1/1 * ? "
    pause {
      plan_cron_time = "0 0 10 1/1 * ? "
  db_instance_id = alicloud_gpdb_instance.default.id

  # for test
  lifecycle {
    ignore_changes = [plan_start_date, plan_end_date]

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • db_instance_id - (Required, ForceNew) The ID of the GPDB instance.
  • db_instance_plan_name - (Required) The name of the Plan.
  • plan_type - (Required, ForceNew) The type of the Plan. Valid values: PauseResume, Resize.
  • plan_schedule_type - (Required, ForceNew) The execution mode of the plan. Valid values: Postpone, Regular.
  • plan_start_date - (Optional) The start time of the Plan.
  • plan_end_date - (Optional) The end time of the Plan.
  • plan_desc - (Optional) The description of the Plan.
  • status - (Optional) The Status of the Plan. Valid values: active, cancel.
  • plan_config - (Required, Set) The execution information of the plan. See plan_config below.


The plan_config supports the following:

  • resume - (Optional, Set) Resume instance plan config. See resume below.
  • pause - (Optional, Set) Pause instance plan config. See pause below.
  • scale_in - (Optional, Set) Scale In instance plan config. See scale_in below.
  • scale_out - (Optional, Set) Scale out instance plan config. See scale_out below.


The resume supports the following:

  • execute_time - (Optional) The executed time of the Plan.
  • plan_cron_time - (Optional) The Cron Time of the plan.


The pause supports the following:

  • execute_time - (Optional) The executed time of the Plan.
  • plan_cron_time - (Optional) The Cron Time of the plan.


The scale_in supports the following:

  • segment_node_num - (Optional) The segment Node Num of the Plan.
  • execute_time - (Optional) The executed time of the Plan.
  • plan_cron_time - (Optional) The Cron Time of the plan.


The scale_out supports the following:

  • segment_node_num - (Optional) The segment Node Num of the Plan.
  • execute_time - (Optional) The executed time of the Plan.
  • plan_cron_time - (Optional) The Cron Time of the plan.

Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported:

  • id - The resource ID in terraform of DB Instance Plan. It formats as <db_instance_id>:<plan_id>.
  • plan_id - The ID of the plan.


The timeouts block allows you to specify timeouts for certain actions:

  • create - (Defaults to 1 mins) Used when create the DB Instance Plan.
  • update - (Defaults to 1 mins) Used when update the DB Instance Plan.
  • delete - (Defaults to 1 mins) Used when delete the DB Instance Plan.


GPDB DB Instance Plan can be imported using the id, e.g.

$ terraform import alicloud_gpdb_db_instance_plan.example <db_instance_id>:<plan_id>