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The alicloud_kvstore_instances data source provides a collection of kvstore instances available in Alicloud account. Filters support regular expression for the instance name, searches by tags, and other filters which are listed below.

Example Usage

data "alicloud_kvstore_instances" "default" {
  name_regex = "testname"
output "first_instance_name" {
  value = data.alicloud_kvstore_instances.default.instances.0.name

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • name_regex - (Optional) A regex string to apply to the instance name.
  • ids - (Optional, Available 1.52.2+) A list of KVStore DBInstance IDs.
  • instance_type - (Optional) The engine type of the KVStore DBInstance. Options are Memcache, and Redis. If no value is specified, all types are returned.
  • status - (Optional) The status of the KVStore DBInstance. Valid values: Changing, CleaningUpExpiredData, Creating, Flushing, HASwitching, Inactive, MajorVersionUpgrading, Migrating, NetworkModifying, Normal, Rebooting, SSLModifying, Transforming, ZoneMigrating.
  • instance_class- (Optional) Type of the applied ApsaraDB for Redis instance. For more information, see Instance type table.
  • vpc_id - (Optional) Used to retrieve instances belong to specified VPC.
  • vswitch_id - (Optional) Used to retrieve instances belong to specified vswitch resources.
  • tags - (Optional) Query the instance bound to the tag. The format of the incoming value is json string, including TagKey and TagValue. TagKey cannot be null, and TagValue can be empty. Format example {"key1":"value1"}.
  • architecture_type - (Optional, Available in 1.101.0+) The type of the architecture. Valid values: cluster, standard and SplitRW.
  • edition_type - (Optional, Available in 1.101.0+) Used to retrieve instances belong to specified vswitch resources. Valid values: Enterprise, Community.
  • engine_version - (Optional, Available in 1.101.0+) The engine version. Valid values: 2.8, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0.
  • expired - (Optional, Available in 1.101.0+) The expiration status of the instance.
  • global_instance - (Optional, Available in 1.101.0+) Whether to create a distributed cache.
  • network_type - (Optional, Available in 1.101.0+) The type of the network. Valid values: CLASSIC, VPC.
  • payment_type - (Optional, Available in 1.101.0+) The payment type. Valid values: PostPaid, PrePaid.
  • resource_group_id - (Optional, Available in 1.101.0+) The ID of the resource group.
  • search_key - (Optional, Available in 1.101.0+) The name of the instance.
  • zone_id - (Optional, Available in 1.101.0+) The ID of the zone.
  • enable_details - (Optional, Available in 1.101.0+) Default to false. Set it to true can output more details.
  • output_file - (Optional) The name of file that can save the collection of instances after running terraform plan.

Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported in addition to the arguments listed above:

  • ids - A list of KVStore Instance IDs.
  • names - A list of KVStore Instance names.
  • instances - A list of KVStore Instances. Its every element contains the following attributes:
    • id - The ID of the instance.
    • name - It has been deprecated from provider version 1.101.0 and db_instance_name instead.
    • db_instance_name - The name of the instance.
    • charge_type - It has been deprecated from provider version 1.101.0 and payment_type instead.
    • payment_type - Billing method. Valid Values: PostPaid for Pay-As-You-Go and PrePaid for subscription.
    • expire_time - It has been deprecated from provider version 1.101.0 and end_time instead.
    • end_time - Expiration time. Pay-As-You-Go instances are never expire.
    • availability_zone - It has been deprecated from provider version 1.101.0 and zone_id instead.
    • zone_id - The ID of zone.
    • connections - IIt has been deprecated from provider version 1.101.0 and max_connections instead.
    • max_connections - Instance connection quantity limit. Unit: count.
    • status - Status of the instance.
    • instance_type - (Optional) Database type. Valid Values: Memcache, Redis. If no value is specified, all types are returned.
    • instance_class- (Optional) Type of the applied ApsaraDB for instance. For more information, see Instance type table.
    • vpc_id - VPC ID the instance belongs to.
    • vswitch_id - VSwitch ID the instance belongs to.
    • private_ip - Private IP address of the instance.
    • capacity - Capacity of the applied ApsaraDB for the instance. Unit: MB.
    • bandwidth - Instance bandwidth limit. Unit: Mbit/s.
    • config - The parameter configuration of the instance.
    • connection_mode - The connection mode of the instance.
    • db_instance_id - The ID of the instance.
    • destroy_time - The time when the instance was destroyed.
    • engine_version - The engine version of the instance.
    • has_renew_change_order - Indicates whether there was an order of renewal with configuration change that had not taken effect.
    • is_rds - Indicates whether the instance is managed by Relational Database Service (RDS).
    • network_type - The network type of the instance.
    • node_type - The node type of the instance.
    • package_type - The type of the package.
    • port - The service port of the instance.
    • qps - The queries per second (QPS) supported by the instance.
    • replacate_id - The logical ID of the replica instance.
    • vpc_cloud_instance_id - Connection port of the instance.
    • region_id - Region ID the instance belongs to.
    • create_time - Creation time of the instance.
    • user_name - The username of the instance.
    • connection_domain - Instance connection domain (only Intranet access supported).
    • secondary_zone_id - (Optional, Available in 1.128.0+) The ID of the secondary zone to which you want to migrate the ApsaraDB for Redis instance.