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This data source provides details of the Rds specifications of current Alibaba Cloud users.

For information on RDS class details and how to use it, please refer to What is RDS class details.

-> NOTE: Available since v1.209.0+

Example Usage

data "alicloud_rds_class_details" "default" {
  commodity_code = "bards"
  class_code     = "mysql.n4.medium.2c"
  engine_version = "8.0"
  engine         = "MySQL"

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • commodity_code - (Required, ForceNew) The commodity code of the instance. Valid values:
    • bards: The instance is a pay-as-you-go primary instance. This value is available on the China site (aliyun.com).
    • rds: The instance is a subscription primary instance. This value is available on the China site (aliyun.com).
    • rords: The instance is a pay-as-you-go read-only instance. This value is available on the China site (aliyun.com).
    • rds_rordspre_public_cn: The instance is a subscription read-only instance. This value is available on the China site (aliyun.com).
    • bards_intl: The instance is a pay-as-you-go primary instance. This value is available on the International site (alibabacloud.com).
    • rds_intl: The instance is a subscription primary instance. This value is available on the International site (alibabacloud.com).
    • rords_intl: The instance is a pay-as-you-go read-only instance. This value is available on the International site (alibabacloud.com).
    • rds_rordspre_public_intl: The instance is a subscription read-only instance. This value is available on the International site (alibabacloud.com).
  • class_code - (Required, ForceNew) The code of the instance type.
  • engine_version - (Required, ForceNew) Database version. Value options:
    • MySQL: [ 5.5、5.6、5.7、8.0 ]
    • SQLServer: [ 2008r2、08r2_ent_ha、2012、2012_ent_ha、2012_std_ha、2012_web、2014_std_ha、2016_ent_ha、2016_std_ha、2016_web、2017_std_ha、2017_ent、2019_std_ha、2019_ent ]
    • PostgreSQL: [ 10.0、11.0、12.0、13.0、14.0、15.0 ]
    • MariaDB: [ 10.3 ]
  • engine - (Required, ForceNew) Database type. Value options: MySQL, SQLServer, PostgreSQL, MariaDB.

Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported in addition to the arguments listed above:

  • max_iombps - The maximum IO bandwidth corresponding to the instance specification. Unit: Mbps.
  • max_connections - The maximum number of connections.
  • class_group - The specification family.
  • cpu - The number of CPU cores corresponding to the instance specification. Unit: pieces.
  • instruction_set_arch - The architecture of the instance type.
  • memory_class - The memory capacity that is supported by the instance type. Unit: GB.
  • max_iops - The maximum IOPS of the instance.
  • reference_price - The fee that you must pay for the instance type. Unit: cent (RMB).
  • category - The RDS edition of the instance. Valid values:
    • Basic: Basic Edition.
    • HighAvailability: High-availability Edition.
    • AlwaysOn: Cluster Edition.
    • Finance: Enterprise Edition.
  • db_instance_storage_type - The storage type of the instance. Valid values:
    • local_ssd: specifies to use local SSDs.
    • cloud_ssd: specifies to use standard SSDs.
    • cloud_essd: specifies to use enhanced SSDs (ESSDs).
    • cloud_essd2: specifies to use enhanced SSDs (ESSDs).
    • cloud_essd3: specifies to use enhanced SSDs (ESSDs).