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This data source provides the Dts Synchronization Jobs of the current Alibaba Cloud user.

-> NOTE: Available in v1.138.0+.

Example Usage

Basic Usage

data "alicloud_dts_synchronization_jobs" "ids" {}

output "dts_synchronization_job_id_1" {
  value = data.alicloud_dts_synchronization_jobs.ids.jobs.0.id

Argument Reference

The following arguments supported:

  • ids - (Optional, ForceNew, Computed) A list of Synchronization Job IDs.
  • name_regex - (Optional, ForceNew) A regex string to filter results by synchronization job name.
  • status - (Optional, ForceNew) The status of the resource. Valid values: Synchronizing, Suspending. Downgrade, Failed, Finished, InitializeFailed, Locked, Modifying, NotConfigured, NotStarted, PreCheckPass, PrecheckFailed, Prechecking, Retrying, Upgrade.
  • output_file - (Optional) File name where to save data source results (after running terraform plan).

Argument Reference

The following attributes are exported in addition to the arguments listed above:

  • jobs - A list of Dts Synchronization Jobs. Each element contains the following attributes:
    • id - The ID of synchronizing instance. It's the ID of resource alicloud_dts_synchronization_instance.
    • synchronization_direction - Synchronization direction. Valid values: Forward, Reverse. Only when the property sync_architecture of the alicloud_dts_synchronization_instance was bidirectional this parameter should be passed, otherwise this parameter should not be specified.
    • dts_job_name - The name of synchronization job.
    • checkpoint - Start time in Unix timestamp format.
    • data_initialization - Whether to execute DTS supports schema migration, full data migration, or full-data initialization.
    • data_synchronization - Whether to perform incremental data migration for migration types or synchronization.
    • structure_initialization - Whether to perform a database table structure to migrate or initialization values include:
    • db_list - Migration object, in the format of JSON strings. For detailed definition instructions, please refer to the description of migration, synchronization or subscription objects.
    • source_endpoint_instance_type - The type of source instance. Valid values: CEN, DG, DISTRIBUTED_DMSLOGICDB, ECS, EXPRESS, MONGODB, OTHER, PolarDB, POLARDBX20, RDS.
    • source_endpoint_engine_name - The type of source database. Valid values: AS400, DB2, DMSPOLARDB, HBASE, MONGODB, MSSQL, MySQL, ORACLE, PolarDB, POLARDBX20, POLARDB_O, POSTGRESQL, TERADATA.
    • source_endpoint_instance_id - The ID of source instance.
    • source_endpoint_region - The region of source instance.
    • source_endpoint_ip - The ip of source endpoint.
    • source_endpoint_port - The port of source endpoint.
    • source_endpoint_oracle_sid - The SID of Oracle database.
    • source_endpoint_database_name - The name of migrate the database.
    • source_endpoint_user_name - The username of database account.
    • source_endpoint_owner_id - The Alibaba Cloud account ID to which the source instance belongs.
    • source_endpoint_role - The name of the role configured for the cloud account to which the source instance belongs.
    • destination_endpoint_instance_type - The type of destination instance. Valid values: ads, CEN, DATAHUB, DG, ECS, EXPRESS, GREENPLUM, MONGODB, OTHER, PolarDB, POLARDBX20, RDS.
    • destination_endpoint_engine_name - The type of destination database. Valid values: ADB20, ADB30, AS400, DATAHUB, DB2, GREENPLUM, KAFKA, MONGODB, MSSQL, MySQL, ORACLE, PolarDB, POLARDBX20, POLARDB_O, PostgreSQL.
    • destination_endpoint_instance_id - The ID of destination instance.
    • destination_endpoint_region - The region of destination instance.
    • destination_endpoint_ip - The ip of source endpoint.
    • destination_endpoint_port - The port of source endpoint.
    • destination_endpoint_data_base_name - The name of migrate the database.
    • destination_endpoint_user_name - The username of database account.
    • destination_endpoint_oracle_sid - The SID of Oracle database.
    • status - The status of the resource. Valid values: Synchronizing, Suspending. You can stop the task by specifying Suspending and start the task by specifying Synchronizing.