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This data source provides the listeners related to a server load balancer of the current Alibaba Cloud user.

Example Usage

resource "alicloud_slb_load_balancer" "default" {
  load_balancer_name = "tf-testAccSlbListenertcp"
resource "alicloud_slb_listener" "tcp" {
  load_balancer_id          = alicloud_slb_load_balancer.default.id
  backend_port              = "22"
  frontend_port             = "22"
  protocol                  = "tcp"
  bandwidth                 = "10"
  health_check_type         = "tcp"
  persistence_timeout       = 3600
  healthy_threshold         = 8
  unhealthy_threshold       = 8
  health_check_timeout      = 8
  health_check_interval     = 5
  health_check_http_code    = "http_2xx"
  health_check_connect_port = 20
  health_check_uri          = "/console"
  established_timeout       = 600

data "alicloud_slb_listeners" "sample_ds" {
  load_balancer_id = alicloud_slb_load_balancer.default.id

output "first_slb_listener_protocol" {
  value = data.alicloud_slb_listeners.sample_ds.slb_listeners[0].protocol

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • load_balancer_id - (Required) ID of the SLB with listeners.
  • protocol - (Optional) Filter listeners by the specified protocol. Valid values: http, https, tcp and udp.
  • frontend_port - (Optional) Filter listeners by the specified frontend port.
  • description_regex - (Optional, Available in 1.69.0+) A regex string to filter results by SLB listener description.
  • output_file - (Optional) File name where to save data source results (after running terraform plan).

Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported in addition to the arguments listed above:

  • slb_listeners - A list of SLB listeners. Each element contains the following attributes:
    • frontend_port - Frontend port used to receive incoming traffic and distribute it to the backend servers.
    • backend_port - Port opened on the backend server to receive requests.
    • protocol - Listener protocol. Possible values: http, https, tcp and udp.
    • status - Listener status.
    • security_status - Security status. Only available when the protocol is https.
    • bandwidth - Peak bandwidth. If the value is set to -1, the listener is not limited by bandwidth.
    • scheduler - Algorithm used to distribute traffic. Possible values: wrr (weighted round robin), wlc (weighted least connection) and rr (round robin).
    • server_group_id - ID of the linked VServer group.
    • master_slave_server_group_id - ID of the active/standby server group.
    • persistence_timeout - Timeout value of the TCP connection in seconds. If the value is 0, the session persistence function is disabled. Only available when the protocol is tcp.
    • established_timeout - Connection timeout in seconds for the Layer 4 TCP listener. Only available when the protocol is tcp.
    • sticky_session - Indicate whether session persistence is enabled or not. If enabled, all session requests from the same client are sent to the same backend server. Possible values are on and off. Only available when the protocol is http or https.
    • sticky_session_type - Method used to handle the cookie. Possible values are insert (cookie added to the response) and server (cookie set by the backend server). Only available when the protocol is http or https and sticky_session is on.
    • cookie_timeout - Cookie timeout in seconds. Only available when the sticky_session_type is insert.
    • cookie - Cookie configured by the backend server. Only available when the sticky_session_type is server.
    • health_check - Indicate whether health check is enabled of not. Possible values are on and off.
    • health_check_type - Health check method. Possible values are tcp and http. Only available when the protocol is tcp.
    • health_check_domain - Domain name used for health check. The SLB sends HTTP head requests to the backend server, the domain is useful when the backend server verifies the host field in the requests. Only available when the protocol is http, https or tcp (in this case health_check_type must be http).
    • health_check_uri - URI used for health check. Only available when the protocol is http, https or tcp (in this case health_check_type must be http).
    • health_check_connect_port - Port used for health check.
    • health_check_connect_timeout - Amount of time in seconds to wait for the response for a health check.
    • healthy_threshold - Number of consecutive successes of health check performed on the same ECS instance (from failure to success).
    • unhealthy_threshold - Number of consecutive failures of health check performed on the same ECS instance (from success to failure).
    • health_check_timeout - Amount of time in seconds to wait for the response from a health check. If an ECS instance sends no response within the specified timeout period, the health check fails. Only available when the protocol is http or https.
    • health_check_interval - Time interval between two consecutive health checks.
    • health_check_http_code - HTTP status codes indicating that the health check is normal. It can contain several comma-separated values such as "http_2xx,http_3xx". Only available when the protocol is http, https or tcp (in this case health_check_type must be http).
    • gzip - Indicate whether Gzip compression is enabled or not. Possible values are on and off. Only available when the protocol is http or https.
    • ssl_certificate_id - ID of the server certificate. Only available when the protocol is https.
    • ca_certificate_id - ID of the CA certificate (only required when two-way authentication is used). Only available when the protocol is https.
    • x_forwarded_for - Indicate whether the HTTP header field "X-Forwarded-For" is added or not; it allows the backend server to know about the user's IP address. Possible values are on and off. Only available when the protocol is http or https.
    • x_forwarded_for_slb_ip - Indicate whether the HTTP header field "X-Forwarded-For_SLBIP" is added or not; it allows the backend server to know about the SLB IP address. Possible values are on and off. Only available when the protocol is http or https.
    • x_forwarded_for_slb_id - Indicate whether the HTTP header field "X-Forwarded-For_SLBID" is added or not; it allows the backend server to know about the SLB ID. Possible values are on and off. Only available when the protocol is http or https.
    • x_forwarded_for_slb_proto - Indicate whether the HTTP header field "X-Forwarded-For_proto" is added or not; it allows the backend server to know about the user's protocol. Possible values are on and off. Only available when the protocol is http or https.
    • idle_timeout - Timeout of http or https listener established connection idle timeout. Valid value range: [1-60] in seconds. Default to 15.
    • request_timeout - Timeout of http or https listener request (which does not get response from backend) timeout. Valid value range: [1-180] in seconds. Default to 60.
    • enable_http2 - Whether to enable https listener support http2 or not. Valid values are on and off. Default to on.
    • tls_cipher_policy - Https listener TLS cipher policy. Valid values are tls_cipher_policy_1_0, tls_cipher_policy_1_1, tls_cipher_policy_1_2, tls_cipher_policy_1_2_strict. Default to tls_cipher_policy_1_0.
    • description - The description of slb listener.
    • proxy_protocol_v2_enabled - Whether to support carrying the client source address to the backend server through the Proxy Protocol. Valid values are true and false. Default to false.