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This data source provides available scaling configuration resources.

Example Usage

data "alicloud_ess_scaling_configurations" "scalingconfigurations_ds" {
  scaling_group_id = "scaling_group_id"
  ids              = ["scaling_configuration_id1", "scaling_configuration_id2"]
  name_regex       = "scaling_configuration_name"

output "first_scaling_rule" {
  value = "${data.alicloud_ess_scaling_configurations.scalingconfigurations_ds.configurations.0.id}"

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • scaling_group_id - (Optional, ForceNew) Scaling group id the scaling configurations belong to.
  • name_regex - (Optional, ForceNew) A regex string to filter resulting scaling configurations by name.
  • ids - (Optional, ForceNew) A list of scaling configuration IDs.
  • output_file - (Optional, ForceNew) File name where to save data source results (after running terraform plan).

Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported in addition to the arguments listed above:

  • ids - A list of scaling configuration ids.
  • names - A list of scaling configuration names.
  • configurations - A list of scaling rules. Each element contains the following attributes:
    • id - ID of the scaling rule.
    • scaling_group_id - ID of the scaling group.
    • name - Name of the scaling configuration.
    • image_id - Image ID of the scaling configuration.
    • instance_type - Instance type of the scaling configuration.
    • security_group_id - Security group ID of the scaling configuration.
    • internet_charge_type - Internet charge type of the scaling configuration.
    • internet_max_bandwidth_in - Internet max bandwidth in of the scaling configuration.
    • internet_max_bandwidth_out - Internet max bandwidth of the scaling configuration.
    • credit_specification - Performance mode of the t5 burstable instance.
    • system_disk_category - System disk category of the scaling configuration.
    • system_disk_size - System disk size of the scaling configuration.
    • system_disk_performance_level - The performance level of the ESSD used as the system disk.
    • data_disks - Data disks of the scaling configuration.
      • size - Size of data disk.
      • category - Category of data disk.
      • snapshot_id - Size of data disk.
      • device - Device attribute of data disk.
      • delete_with_instance - Delete_with_instance attribute of data disk.
      • performance_level - The performance level of the ESSD used as data disk.
    • lifecycle_state - Lifecycle state of the scaling configuration.
    • creation_time - Creation time of the scaling configuration.
    • instance_name - (Optional,Available in 1.143.0+) InstanceName of an ECS instance.
    • host_name - (Optional,Available in 1.143.0+) Hostname of an ECS instance.
    • spot_strategy - (Optional, Available in 1.151.0+) The spot strategy for a Pay-As-You-Go instance.
    • spot_price_limit - (Optional, Available in 1.151.0+) The maximum price hourly for instance types.
      • instance_type - Resource type of an ECS instance.
      • price_limit - Price limit hourly of instance type.