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This data source provides available alarm resources.

-> NOTE Available in 1.72.0+

Example Usage

data "alicloud_ess_alarm" "alarm_ds" {
  scaling_group_id = "scaling_group_id"
  ids              = ["alarm_id1", "alarm_id2"]
  name_regex       = "alarm_name"

output "first_scaling_rule" {
  value = "${data.alicloud_alarms.alarm_ds.configurations.0.id}"

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • scaling_group_id - (Optional) Scaling group id the alarms belong to.
  • name_regex - (Optional) A regex string to filter resulting alarms by name.
  • ids - (Optional) A list of alarm IDs.
  • output_file - (Optional) File name where to save data source results (after running terraform plan).
  • metric_type - (Optional) The type for the alarm's associated metric. Supported value: system, custom. "system" means the metric data is collected by Aliyun Cloud Monitor Service(CMS), "custom" means the metric data is upload to CMS by users. Defaults to system.

Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported in addition to the arguments listed above:

  • ids - A list of alarm ids.
  • names - A list of alarm names.
  • alarms - A list of alarms. Each element contains the following attributes:
    • id - The id of alarm.
    • name - The name for ess alarm.
    • description - The description for the alarm.
    • enable - Whether to enable specific ess alarm.
    • alarm_actions - The list of actions to execute when this alarm transition into an ALARM state. Each action is specified as ess scaling rule ari.
    • scaling_group_id - The scaling group associated with this alarm.
    • metric_type - The type for the alarm's associated metric.
    • metric_name - The name for the alarm's associated metric.
    • period - The period in seconds over which the specified statistic is applied.
    • statistics - The statistic to apply to the alarm's associated metric.
    • threshold - The value against which the specified statistics is compared.
    • comparison_operator - The arithmetic operation to use when comparing the specified Statistic and Threshold. The specified Statistic value is used as the first operand.
    • evaluation_count - The number of times that needs to satisfies comparison condition before transition into ALARM state.
    • cloud_monitor_group_id - Defines the application group id defined by CMS which is assigned when you upload custom metric to CMS, only available for custom metirc.
    • dimensions - The dimension map for the alarm's associated metric.
    • state - The state of alarm task.