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Provides a Ddos Bgp Policy resource.

Ddos protection policy.

For information about Ddos Bgp Policy and how to use it, see What is Policy.

-> NOTE: Available since v1.226.0.

Example Usage

Basic Usage

provider "alicloud" {
  region = "cn-hangzhou"

variable "name" {
  default = "tf_exampleacc_bgp32594"

variable "policy_name" {
  default = "example_l4_policy"

resource "alicloud_ddos_bgp_policy" "default" {
  content {
    enable_defense = "false"
    layer4_rule_list {
      method  = "hex"
      match   = "1"
      action  = "1"
      limited = "0"
      condition_list {
        arg      = "3C"
        position = "1"
        depth    = "2"
      name     = "11"
      priority = "10"

  type        = "l4"
  policy_name = "tf_exampleacc_bgp32594"

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • content - (Optional) Configuration Content See content below.
  • policy_name - (Required) The name of the resource
  • type - (Required, ForceNew) Type


The content supports the following:

  • black_ip_list_expire_at - (Optional) Blacklist and whitelist timeout.
  • enable_defense - (Optional) Whether to enable L4 protection.
  • enable_drop_icmp - (Optional) Switch to discard ICMP.
  • enable_intelligence - (Optional) Whether the intelligent switch is on.
  • finger_print_rule_list - (Optional) Fingerprint Rules. See finger_print_rule_list below.
  • intelligence_level - (Optional) Smart mode. Valid values: weak, hard, and default.
  • layer4_rule_list - (Optional) L4 protection rules. See layer4_rule_list below.
  • port_rule_list - (Optional) Port Rule List. See port_rule_list below.
  • reflect_block_udp_port_list - (Optional) Reflective port filtering.
  • region_block_country_list - (Optional) List of Regional Banned Countries.
  • region_block_province_list - (Optional) List of Prohibited Provinces by Region.
  • source_block_list - (Optional) Source pull Black. See source_block_list below.
  • source_limit - (Optional) Do not fill in when the source speed limit is deleted. See source_limit below.
  • whiten_gfbr_nets - (Optional) Add white high protection back to source network segment switch.


The content-finger_print_rule_list supports the following:

  • dst_port_end - (Required) End of destination port 0-65535.
  • dst_port_start - (Required) Destination Port start 0-65535.
  • finger_print_rule_id - (Optional) The UUID of the rule is required to be deleted and modified, and it is not required to be created.
  • match_action - (Required) Actions. Currently, drop, accept, session_rate, and ip_rate are supported.
  • max_pkt_len - (Required) Maximum bag length.
  • min_pkt_len - (Required) Minimum package length.
  • offset - (Optional) Offset.
  • payload_bytes - (Optional) Load match, hexadecimal string; Similar to 'abcd'.
  • protocol - (Required) Protocol, tcp or udp.
  • rate_value - (Optional) Speed limit value 1-100000.
  • seq_no - (Required) Serial number 1-100 ● Affects the order issued by the bottom layer ● The larger the number, the lower it is.
  • src_port_end - (Required) Source Port end 0-65535.
  • src_port_start - (Required) Source port start 0-65535.


The content-layer4_rule_list supports the following:

  • action - (Required) 1 for observation 2 for blocking.
  • condition_list - (Required) Matching Condition. See condition_list below.
  • limited - (Required) .
  • match - (Required) 0 indicates that the condition is not met 1 indicates that the condition is met.
  • method - (Required) Char indicates a string match hex match.
  • name - (Required) Rule Name.
  • priority - (Required) 1-100, priority, the lower the number, the higher the priority.


The content-port_rule_list supports the following:

  • dst_port_end - (Required) End of destination port 0-65535.
  • dst_port_start - (Required) Destination Port start 0-65535.
  • match_action - (Required, ForceNew) Action. Currently, only drop is supported.
  • port_rule_id - (Optional) Rule UUID is required to be deleted and modified, and is not required to be created.
  • protocol - (Required) Protocol, tcp or udp.
  • seq_no - (Required) Serial number 1-100 ● Affects the order issued by the bottom layer ● The larger the number, the lower it is.
  • src_port_end - (Required) Source Port end 0-65535.
  • src_port_start - (Required) Source port start 0-65535.


The content-source_block_list supports the following:

  • block_expire_seconds - (Required) Statistical cycle range 60-1200.
  • every_seconds - (Required) The time (unit second) for automatically releasing the black after triggering the speed limit is 60~2592000.
  • exceed_limit_times - (Required) The number of times the speed limit is exceeded in a statistical period ranges from 1 to 1200.
  • type - (Required) The type of black is optional source PPS speed limit Black: 3 source BPS speed limit Black: 4 SYNPPS speed limit Black: 5 SYNBPS speed limit Black: 6.


The content-source_limit supports the following:

  • bps - (Optional) bps range 1024~268435456.
  • pps - (Optional) Pps range 32~500000.
  • syn_bps - (Optional) SynBps range 1024~268435456.
  • syn_pps - (Optional) SynPps range 1~100000.


The content-layer4_rule_list-condition_list supports the following:

  • arg - (Required) Matching target character.
  • depth - (Required) Depth of Matching.
  • position - (Required) Position to start matching, starting from 0.

Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported:

  • id - The ID of the resource supplied above.


The timeouts block allows you to specify timeouts for certain actions:

  • create - (Defaults to 5 mins) Used when create the Policy.
  • delete - (Defaults to 5 mins) Used when delete the Policy.
  • update - (Defaults to 5 mins) Used when update the Policy.


Ddos Bgp Policy can be imported using the id, e.g.

$ terraform import alicloud_ddos_bgp_policy.example <id>