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HTTP status code錯誤碼錯誤信息描述操作
400DomainNotExistdomain not exist.域名不存在診斷
400DomainExistdomain is already exist.域名已存在。診斷
400WebRulePortDenyWeb rule port is deny.-診斷
400InvalidParameter.JSONErrorIncorrect JSON format.-診斷
400ExceedFuncSpecExceeds the func spec of the instalice.-診斷
400ExceedNoStardardPortfunc spec no stardard port limit.-診斷
400InvalidWebRuleinvalid Web rule.無效的轉發規則。診斷
400ExceedFuncSpecout of specification.-診斷
400NetworkRuleExistnetwork rule port is exist.規則已存在。診斷
400NetworkRuleConflictnetwork rule conflict.-診斷
400ExceedWebRuleLimitreach site limit in spec.超過防護域名數規格。 診斷
400ExceedNetworkRuleLimitreach port limit in spec.-診斷
400InvalidDomaininvalid domain.無效域名診斷
400UnBlackholeLimitblockhole water level limit.-診斷
400InvalidIpinvalid ip or ipnet, please check-診斷
400DomainOwnerErrordomain belong to other user.域名屬于其他用戶診斷
400InvalidParamsno authority to do request.-診斷
400SchedulerNameConflictScheduler name Conflict.-診斷
400InvalidParamsillegal param.-診斷
400CcRuleExistcc rule exist.-診斷
400DomainExistdomain exist in other account.-診斷
400CDNDomainExistcdn domain is exist.cdn域名已經存在。診斷
400IpBlackholingip blackhole event not end.-診斷
400InvalidSwitchrecord is the last in default line, invalid to switch to inactive.切換調度規則失敗診斷
400ParamsConflictrecord type,value_type,line or region_id conflict.-診斷
400InvalidParamsinvalid params in request.-診斷
400CertNotUploadCert not upload,plz upload cert first.-診斷
500UnkownErrorunknown error.-診斷
400SelbCallFailedselb central remote call failed.調用Selb失敗診斷
400ddos_layer73417domain https extend config without https proxy.-診斷
400ddos_layer73418domain http2https config invalid, https proxy port 443 not exis.-診斷
400ddos_layer73422domain https proxy delete but https_ext config exist.-診斷
400ddos_layer73423domain http2https config without http proxy.-診斷
400DashboardParamErrorRequired parameters cannot be empty.-診斷
400TooManyRstoo many rs in domain.-診斷
400InvalidJsonParamdecoding json failed.無效的JSON參數診斷
400ddos_layer763101No CNAME exists.-診斷
400ddos_coop3004The specified action is invalid-診斷
400ddos_coop3304The specified origin server IP is invalid-診斷
400ddos_coop3006An error occurred while querying the database-診斷
400ddos_coop3301Cannot find the specified instance-診斷
400ddos_layer763103Failed to create the rule-診斷
400NoDomainExistdomain not exist-診斷
400ddos_layer73424domain http2https config config with websocket proxy-診斷
400SetL7DefenseErrorremote call L7 defense failed-診斷
400QueryDbFailedquery db failed-診斷
400CustomHeaderNotValidcustom header format error or length is too long-診斷
400DomainRemarkValidremark is empty or length too long-診斷
400ReservedValueNotEmptyvalue of reserved header should be empty-診斷
400NoReservedValueEmptyvalue of no reserved header should not be empty-診斷
400DomainAbnormalStatusdomain in abnormal status, may be punished-診斷
400NetworkRuleExistNetwork rule port is exist.規則已存在。診斷
400InstanceNotExistInstance not exist.實例不存在診斷
400anycast_controller3302reache port limit in spec.-診斷
400anycast_controller3306forwarding rules already exist.-診斷
400anycast_controller3006record query failure.-診斷
400ExceedPortNumberudp reflect source ports number reached limit.-診斷
400EngineParamErrorThe same CC rules exist.存在相同的CC規則。診斷
400InvalidCacheRuleFormatThe cache rule format error.-診斷
400InvalidCacheRuleNuminvalid cache rule num.-診斷
400InvalidCacheRuleModeinvalid cache rule mode.-診斷
400DuplicateCacheRuleNameduplicate cache rule name.-診斷
400DuplicateCnameduplicate cname.-診斷
400ddos_global3440Defense instance num is out of limit.-診斷
400ddos_global3441Error when create defense instance.-診斷
400ddos_global3442Defense instance not belong to you.-診斷
400ddos_global3443Error when delete defense instance.-診斷
400ddos_global3444Error when search defense instance.-診斷
400ddos_global3445The defense instance is not exist.-診斷
400ddos_global3446The defense instance global attr error.-診斷
400ddos_global3447Call l7 proxy error.-診斷
400ddos_global3448Query instance lb error.-診斷
400ddos_coop3320Primary rs can is empty.-診斷
400ddos_coop3321Secondary rs is empty.-診斷
400ddos_coop3322The current valid source address is empty.-診斷
400ddos_coop3323The active/standby mode is incorrect.-診斷
400ddos_coop3324The valid source address group can only be active or standby.-診斷
400ddos_coop3325Note Format is incorrect or the limit is exceeded.-診斷
400QpsReachLimitops qps reach the limit, can not enable elastic qps-診斷
400OverseasQpsReachLimitops qps reach the limit, can not enable elastic qps-診斷
400NoSupportOperationIpv6 no support open elastic qps-診斷
400ErrDdosSpecLimitError ddos spec limit.規格超限診斷
400InternalParamErrorout of range.參數不合法診斷
400ParamErrorout of range.參數不合法診斷
400NotSupportLayer4Proxyeip not support for l4 proxy.不支持開啟應用層防護診斷
400Layer4ProxyPayloadRuleOverLimitl4 proxy payload rules reached limit.Payload策略規則超限診斷
400Layer4ProxyPayloadRuleConflictl4 proxy payload rule conflict.Payload策略規則沖突診斷
400NotEffectLayer4Proxyl4 proxy not effect.應用層防護不生效診斷