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從HBase 2.0版本開始,修復元數據開始使用工具HBCK2,而HBCK已經廢棄。如果您繼續使用HBCK修復HBase 2.x版本的元數據,則會存在較大的風險。HBCK2工具從HBase項目移出,并和其他HBase工具成為一個單獨項目hbase-operator-tools。本文為您介紹EMR HBase HBCK2工具的使用方法。




  1. 登錄EMR集群的Master節點,詳情請參見登錄集群

  2. 下載hbase-operator-tools項目。

    git clone https://github.com/apache/hbase-operator-tools.git
  3. 修改適配的HBase版本。

    cd hbase-operator-tools
    vim pom.xml

    本文以適配EMR HBase 2.4.9版本為例,其他HBase 2.x版本,改成對應版本即可。

  4. 編譯打包。

    mvn clean package -DskipTests
  5. 拷貝HBCK2 JAR文件到HBase集群。

    HBCK2 JAR文件路徑為hbase-hbck2/target/hbase-hbck2-${hbck2-version}.jar

  6. 問題修復。

    export HBASE_HBCK_OPTS="-Xms512m -Xmx512m"
    hbase --config /etc/taihao-apps/hbase-conf hbck -j hbase-hbck2-${hbck2-version}.jar


     -d,--debug                                       run with debug output
     -h,--help                                        output this help message
     -p,--hbase.zookeeper.property.clientPort <arg>   port of hbase ensemble
     -q,--hbase.zookeeper.quorum <arg>                hbase ensemble
     -s,--skip                                        skip hbase version check
     -v,--version                                     this hbck2 version
     -z,--zookeeper.znode.parent <arg>                parent znode of hbase
     addFsRegionsMissingInMeta <NAMESPACE|NAMESPACE:TABLENAME>...
        -d,--force_disable aborts fix for table if disable fails.
       To be used when regions missing from hbase:meta but directories
       are present still in HDFS. Can happen if user has run _hbck1_
       'OfflineMetaRepair' against an hbase-2.x cluster. Needs hbase:meta
       to be online. For each table name passed as parameter, performs diff
       between regions available in hbase:meta and region dirs on HDFS.
       Then for dirs with no hbase:meta matches, it reads the 'regioninfo'
       metadata file and re-creates given region in hbase:meta. Regions are
       re-created in 'CLOSED' state in the hbase:meta table, but not in the
       Masters' cache, and they are not assigned either. To get these
       regions online, run the HBCK2 'assigns'command printed when this
       command-run completes.
       NOTE: If using hbase releases older than 2.3.0, a rolling restart of
       HMasters is needed prior to executing the set of 'assigns' output.
       An example adding missing regions for tables 'tbl_1' in the default
       namespace, 'tbl_2' in namespace 'n1' and for all tables from
       namespace 'n2':
         $ HBCK2 addFsRegionsMissingInMeta default:tbl_1 n1:tbl_2 n2
       Returns HBCK2  an 'assigns' command with all re-inserted regions.
       SEE ALSO: reportMissingRegionsInMeta
       SEE ALSO: fixMeta
        -o,--override  override ownership by another procedure
        -i,--inputFiles  take one or more files of encoded region names
       A 'raw' assign that can be used even during Master initialization (if
       the -skip flag is specified). Skirts Coprocessors. Pass one or more
       encoded region names. 1588230740 is the hard-coded name for the
       hbase:meta region and de00010733901a05f5a2a3a382e2**** is an example of
       what a user-space encoded region name looks like. For example:
         $ HBCK2 assigns 1588230740 de00010733901a05f5a2a3a382e2****
       Returns the pid(s) of the created AssignProcedure(s) or -1 if none.
       If -i or --inputFiles is specified, pass one or more input file names.
       Each file contains encoded region names, one per line. For example:
         $ HBCK2 assigns -i fileName1 fileName2
     bypass [OPTIONS] <PID>...
        -o,--override   override if procedure is running/stuck
        -r,--recursive  bypass parent and its children. SLOW! EXPENSIVE!
        -w,--lockWait   milliseconds to wait before giving up; default=1
       Pass one (or more) procedure 'pid's to skip to procedure finish. Parent
       of bypassed procedure will also be skipped to the finish. Entities will
       be left in an inconsistent state and will require manual fixup. May
       need Master restart to clear locks still held. Bypass fails if
       procedure has children. Add 'recursive' if all you have is a parent pid
       to finish parent and children. This is SLOW, and dangerous so use
       selectively. Does not always work.
        -f, --fix    fix meta by removing all extra regions found.
       Reports regions present on hbase:meta, but with no related
       directories on the file system. Needs hbase:meta to be online.
       For each table name passed as parameter, performs diff
       between regions available in hbase:meta and region dirs on the given
       file system. Extra regions would get deleted from Meta
       if passed the --fix option.
       NOTE: Before deciding on use the "--fix" option, it's worth check if
       reported extra regions are overlapping with existing valid regions.
       If so, then "extraRegionsInMeta --fix" is indeed the optimal solution.
       Otherwise, "assigns" command is the simpler solution, as it recreates
       regions dirs in the filesystem, if not existing.
       An example triggering extra regions report for tables 'table_1'
       and 'table_2', under default namespace:
         $ HBCK2 extraRegionsInMeta default:table_1 default:table_2
       An example triggering missing regions report for table 'table_1'
       under default namespace, and for all tables from namespace 'ns1':
         $ HBCK2 extraRegionsInMeta default:table_1 ns1
       Returns list of extra regions for each table passed as parameter, or
       for each table on namespaces specified as parameter.
     filesystem [OPTIONS] [<TABLENAME>...]
        -f, --fix    sideline corrupt hfiles, bad links, and references.
       Report on corrupt hfiles, references, broken links, and integrity.
       Pass '--fix' to sideline corrupt files and links. '--fix' does NOT
       fix integrity issues; i.e. 'holes' or 'orphan' regions. Pass one or
       more tablenames to narrow checkup. Default checks all tables and
       restores 'hbase.version' if missing. Interacts with the filesystem
       only! Modified regions need to be reopened to pick-up changes.
       Do a server-side fix of bad or inconsistent state in hbase:meta.
       Available in hbase 2.2.1/2.1.6 or newer versions. Master UI has
       matching, new 'HBCK Report' tab that dumps reports generated by
       most recent run of _catalogjanitor_ and a new 'HBCK Chore'. It
       is critical that hbase:meta first be made healthy before making
       any other repairs. Fixes 'holes', 'overlaps', etc., creating
       (empty) region directories in HDFS to match regions added to
       hbase:meta. Command is NOT the same as the old _hbck1_ command
       named similarily. Works against the reports generated by the last
       catalog_janitor and hbck chore runs. If nothing to fix, run is a
       noop. Otherwise, if 'HBCK Report' UI reports problems, a run of
       fixMeta will clear up hbase:meta issues. See 'HBase HBCK' UI
       for how to generate new execute.
       SEE ALSO: reportMissingRegionsInMeta
     generateMissingTableDescriptorFile <TABLENAME>
       Trying to fix an orphan table by generating a missing table descriptor
       file. This command will have no effect if the table folder is missing
       or if the .tableinfo is present (we don't override existing table
       descriptors). This command will first check it the TableDescriptor is
       cached in HBase Master in which case it will recover the .tableinfo
       accordingly. If TableDescriptor is not cached in master then it will
       create a default .tableinfo file with the following items:
         - the table name
         - the column family list determined based on the file system
         - the default properties for both TableDescriptor and
       If the .tableinfo file was generated using default parameters then
       make sure you check the table / column family properties later (and
       change them if needed).
       This method does not change anything in HBase, only writes the new
       .tableinfo file to the file system. Orphan tables can cause e.g.
       ServerCrashProcedures to stuck, you might need to fix these still
       after you generated the missing table info files.
     replication [OPTIONS] [<TABLENAME>...]
        -f, --fix    fix any replication issues found.
       Looks for undeleted replication queues and deletes them if passed the
       '--fix' option. Pass a table name to check for replication barrier and
       purge if '--fix'.
     reportMissingRegionsInMeta <NAMESPACE|NAMESPACE:TABLENAME>...
       To be used when regions missing from hbase:meta but directories
       are present still in HDFS. Can happen if user has run _hbck1_
       'OfflineMetaRepair' against an hbase-2.x cluster. This is a CHECK only
       method, designed for reporting purposes and doesn't perform any
       fixes, providing a view of which regions (if any) would get re-added
       to hbase:meta, grouped by respective table/namespace. To effectively
       re-add regions in meta, run addFsRegionsMissingInMeta.
       This command needs hbase:meta to be online. For each namespace/table
       passed as parameter, it performs a diff between regions available in
       hbase:meta against existing regions dirs on HDFS. Region dirs with no
       matches are printed grouped under its related table name. Tables with
       no missing regions will show a 'no missing regions' message. If no
       namespace or table is specified, it will verify all existing regions.
       It accepts a combination of multiple namespace and tables. Table names
       should include the namespace portion, even for tables in the default
       namespace, otherwise it will assume as a namespace value.
       An example triggering missing regions execute for tables 'table_1'
       and 'table_2', under default namespace:
         $ HBCK2 reportMissingRegionsInMeta default:table_1 default:table_2
       An example triggering missing regions execute for table 'table_1'
       under default namespace, and for all tables from namespace 'ns1':
         $ HBCK2 reportMissingRegionsInMeta default:table_1 ns1
       Returns list of missing regions for each table passed as parameter, or
       for each table on namespaces specified as parameter.
     setRegionState <ENCODED_REGIONNAME> <STATE>
       To set the replica region's state, it needs the primary region's
       encoded regionname and replica id. The command will be
     setRegionState <PRIMARY_ENCODED_REGIONNAME>,<replicaId> <STATE>
       Possible region states:
       WARNING: This is a very risky option intended for use as last resort.
       Example scenarios include unassigns/assigns that can't move forward
       because region is in an inconsistent state in 'hbase:meta'. For
       example, the 'unassigns' command can only proceed if passed a region
       in one of the following states: SPLITTING|SPLIT|MERGING|OPEN|CLOSING
       Before manually setting a region state with this command, please
       certify that this region is not being handled by a running procedure,
       such as 'assign' or 'split'. You can get a view of running procedures
       in the hbase shell using the 'list_procedures' command. An example
       setting region 'de00010733901a05f5a2a3a382e2****' to CLOSING:
         $ HBCK2 setRegionState de00010733901a05f5a2a3a382e2**** CLOSING
       Returns "0" if region state changed and "1" otherwise.
     setTableState <TABLENAME> <STATE>
       Possible table states: ENABLED, DISABLED, DISABLING, ENABLING
       To read current table state, in the hbase shell run:
         hbase> get 'hbase:meta', '<TABLENAME>', 'table:state'
       A value of \x08\x00 == ENABLED, \x08\x01 == DISABLED, etc.
       Can also run a 'describe "<TABLENAME>"' at the shell prompt.
       An example making table name 'user' ENABLED:
         $ HBCK2 setTableState users ENABLED
       Returns whatever the previous table state was.
     scheduleRecoveries <SERVERNAME>...
       Schedule ServerCrashProcedure(SCP) for list of RegionServers. Format
       server name as '<HOSTNAME>,<PORT>,<STARTCODE>' (See HBase UI/logs).
       Example using RegionServer 'a.example.org,29100,1540348649479':
         $ HBCK2 scheduleRecoveries a.example.org,29100,1540348649479
       Returns the pid(s) of the created ServerCrashProcedure(s) or -1 if
       no procedure created (see master logs for why not).
       Command support added in hbase versions 2.0.3, 2.1.2, 2.2.0 or newer.
       Schedule ServerCrashProcedure(SCP) for RegionServers that are reported
       as unknown.
       Returns the pid(s) of the created ServerCrashProcedure(s) or -1 if
       no procedure created (see master logs for why not).
       Command support added in hbase versions 2.2.7, 2.3.5, 2.4.3,
         2.5.0 or newer.
     unassigns <ENCODED_REGIONNAME>...
        -o,--override  override ownership by another procedure
       A 'raw' unassign that can be used even during Master initialization
       (if the -skip flag is specified). Skirts Coprocessors. Pass one or
       more encoded region names. 1588230740 is the hard-coded name for the
       hbase:meta region and de00010733901a05f5a2a3a382e2**** is an example
       of what a userspace encoded region name looks like. For example:
         $ HBCK2 unassigns 1588230740 de00010733901a05f5a2a3a382e2****
       Returns the pid(s) of the created UnassignProcedure(s) or -1 if none.
       SEE ALSO, org.apache.hbase.hbck1.OfflineMetaRepair, the offline
       hbase:meta tool. See the HBCK2 README for how to use.
       -f,--fix Update hbase:meta with the corrections
       It is recommended to first run this utility without the fix
       option to ensure that the utility is generating the correct
       serialized RegionInfo data structures. Inspect the output to
       confirm that the hbase:meta rowkey matches the new RegionInfo.
       This tool will read hbase:meta and report any regions whose rowkey
       and cell value differ in their encoded region name. HBASE-23328
       illustrates a problem for read-replica enabled tables in which
       the encoded region name (the MD5 hash) does not match between
       the rowkey and the value. This problem is generally harmless
       for normal operation, but can break other HBCK2 tools.
       Run this command to determine if any regions are affected by
       this bug and use the -f/--fix option to then correct any
       affected regions.

