
HTTP Code 錯誤碼 錯誤信息 描述
403 InvalidAccessKeyId The access Id you provided is not exist. 您提供的AccessKeyId不存在,請重新填寫。
403 InvalidStsAccessKeyId The sts access Id you provided is not exist. 您提供的STS的AccessKeyId不存在,請重新填寫。
403 AccountIdNotExist The resource owner accountId not exist. 資源所有者的賬號ID不存在。
403 AccessDenied The OwnerId that your Access Key Id associated to is forbidden for this operation. 您沒有操作權限,請確認是否已獲得授權。
429 TooManyRequests The request is denied by flow limiter for too many requests. 請求過多,請稍后再試。
403 AccessDeniedByPreCheck The OwnerId that your Access Key Id associated to is forbidden by pre check. 您沒有相關操作權限,請確認。
403 OptionsMethodNotEnable OPTIONS method is not enabled. OPTIONS方法未啟用。
403 SecurityTokenInvalid The Security token that your provide is invalid. 您提供的臨時安全憑證無效。
403 ParentAccountNotExist ParentAccountNotExist 主賬號不存在,請確認。
403 ServiceAccessDenied The OwnerId that your Access Key Id associated to has not enabled EventBridge Service. 您暫未開通事件總線EventBridge服務。
403 StsAccessIdExpired The sts accessid has expired. STS訪問已過期。
403 SignatureDoesNotMatch The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your key and signing method. 簽名不匹配,請檢查您的Key值和簽名方法。
403 AccessDeniedForInternalRegion The account is restricted in this region. 賬號在該地域受限。請更換訪問地域。
403 ServiceNotEnabled The OwnerId that your Access Key Id associated to has not enabled. 服務未開通。
403 AccessDeniedByRamPolicy The request is denied by ram policy. RAM用戶權限不足。
403 AccessDeniedByConsoleAction The request of console action is not support for this user. 該用戶無控制臺操作權限。
403 TimeExpired The http request you sent is expired. HTTP請求超時。
400 InvalidArgument The request params is invalid! 請求參數無效。
400 InvalidContent The content you send may contains illegal characters. 發送的內容不合法。
400 InvalidAuthorizationHeader The Authorization header format is invalid. Authorization不合法。
400 InvalidDateHeader The Date header format is invalid. Date不合法。
400 InvalidRequestURL URL invalid URL無效。
409 EventBusAlreadyExist "The event bus already exist 該事件總線(EventBus)已存在。
409 EventBusNameEmpty The event bus name is empty 事件總線(EventBus)名稱為空。
409 EventBusNameInvalid The name of event bus in request is invalid! 請求中的事件總線(EventBus)名稱無效。
409 EventBusNameDefaultInvalid 'default' can not be used as customer's event bus 自定義事件總線(EventBus)不能命名為default。
409 TryingToDeleteDefaultEventBus The default event bus can not be deleted 不能刪除默認事件總線(EventBus)。
400 EventEntryEmpty The event entry is empty in request! 事件輸入為空。
400 PutEventsRequestLengthExceedLimit The length of putEvents request exceed max size limit PutEvents請求的長度超過最大限制。
400 PutEventsRequestBatchSizeExceedLimit The batch size of putEvents request exceed max size limit 批量發布的事件數量超過最大限制。
400 EventEntryInvalid The event entry is invalid in request! 事件體無效。
400 EventEntrySourceFieldInvalid The source field of event entry is invalid in request! 事件體的source字段無效。
400 EventEntryTypeFieldInvalid The type field of event entry is invalid in request! 事件體的type字段不合法。
400 DefaultEventBusForbidden The default bus are not accessible for customer! 沒有訪問默認事件總線(EventBus)的權限。
400 EventEntrySizeExceed The single event entry size exceed limit! 單個事件體大小超過限制。
400 EventEntryEventBusInvalid EventEntryEventBusInvalid 事件總線(EventBus)中的事件體無效。
400 EventBusNotExist The event bus to put event is not exist! 用于發布事件的事件總線(EventBus)不存在。
400 EventSourceNotExist The event source in request is not exist! 事件源不存在。
400 EventSourceNameNullOrEmpty The event source name in request is null or empty! 事件源名稱為空。
400 EventSourceTypeNullOrEmpty The event source type in request is null or empty! 事件源類型為空。
400 EventSourceAlreadyExist The event source created has already exist! 創建的事件源已存在。
400 EventSourceParamInvalid The event source param is invalid! 事件源參數無效。
400 EventTargetAlreadyExist The event target created has already exist! 創建的事件目標已存在。
400 EventTargetNotExist The event target delete has not exist! 需刪除的事件目標不存在。
400 AddEventTypeParamsInvalid The params for addEventType is invalid! addEventType參數無效。
400 EventTypeAlreadyExist The event type in request already exist! 事件類型已存在。
400 EventTypeNotExist The event type not exist! 事件類型不存在。
400 EventRuleNotExisted The event rule not existed! 事件規則不存在。
400 EventRuleNameEmpty The name of event rule in request is empty! 事件規則的名稱為空。
400 EventRuleNameInvalid The name of event rule in request is invalid! 事件規則的名稱無效。
400 EventBusRuleNotEmptyForDelete The rules of eventbus exist, please delete them before delete event bus 事件總線(EventBus)下還有未刪除的事件規則。請刪除這些事件規則后再刪除事件總線。
400 EventRuleFilterPatternEmpty The filter pattern of rule is empty! 事件規則中的事件過濾模式為空。
400 EventRuleSourceEmpty The source of event rule in request is empty! 事件規則中的事件源為空。
400 EventRuleEventTypesEmpty The eventTypes of event rule in request is empty! 事件規則中的事件類型為空。
400 EventRuleTargetsEmpty The targets of event rule in request is empty! 事件規則中的事件目標為空。
400 EventRuleEventTypeNotSupport The event type in rule is not support! 不支持規則中的事件類型。
400 EventRuleAlreadyExist The event rule in request already exist! 請求中的事件規則已存在。
400 EventRuleCountExceedLimit The event rule count must not exceed limit for each event bus! 每個事件總線(EventBus)下的事件規則數量不能超出限制。
400 EventRuleFilterPatternSchemaError The filter pattern is invalid! 事件過濾模式無效。
400 EventRuleFilterPatternExceedLimit The expression for field in filter pattern exceed count limit! 事件過濾模式的字段描述超過限制。
400 EventRuleInvalid The event rule is invalid. 事件規則無效。
400 EventRuleStatusParamError The status param of rule is invalid! 事件規則的status參數無效。
400 EventRuleTargetIdInvalid The id of event target is invalid! 事件目標ID無效。
400 EventRuleTargetIdDuplicate The id of event target is duplicate! 事件目標ID重復。
400 EventRuleTargetInvalid The target in event rule is invalid! 事件規則中的目標無效。
400 EventRuleTargetFormatTypeInvalid The format type of event target is invalid! 事件目標的類型無效。
400 EventRuleTargetRetryStrategyInvalid The retry strategy of event target is invalid! 事件目標的重試策略無效。
400 EventRuleTargetsCountExceeded The number of targets exceed limit 事件目標超出限制。
400 EventRuleTargetNotExist The target is not exist in event rule! 事件規則中不存在該事件目標。
500 Timeout Request timeout 請求超時。
500 InternalError Unknown system error 未知的系統報錯。