日本熟妇hd丰满老熟妇,中文字幕一区二区三区在线不卡 ,亚洲成片在线观看,免费女同在线一区二区

RecognizeChinesePassport - 中國護照識別



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Schema of Response


請求唯一 ID



{"algo_server": ["ocr_doctype_v9963/prism?src=test&op=doctype&pro=basic,rotate,split_kv_server&scene=multi_invoice&requestid=7F1D8C92-A3F9-566A-ABC7-A3AED0C8EC14", "ocr_tail_card_v9827/prism?src=sub_img_json&op=passport_chn&pro=basic,qrcode,key_eng,split_kv_server&requestid=7F1D8C92-A3F9-566A-ABC7-A3AED0C8EC14"], "algo_version": "2375eb78d7d5bdaa14f65f4597d87dcca1a833bf;3acc43ec9464ac9c8741236069021029b72f2a37", "data": {"birthDate": "2000.04.17", "birthPlace": "北京/BEIJING", "countryCode": "CHN", "issueAuthority": "公安部出入境管理局", "issueDate": "2018.08.15", "issuePlace": "北京/BEIJING", "mrzLine1": "POCHNDU<<XIAOGUANG<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<", "mrzLine2": "EE12345678CHN8108038F2110189NGKELMPONBPJB978", "name": "讀小光", "nameEn": "DU,XIAOGUANG", "nationality": "中國/CHINESE", "passportNumber": "EE1234567", "passportType": "P", "sex": "女/F", "validToDate": "2028.08.14"}, "debug_info": {"kv_info": [{"det_cfd": 0.666085, "det_cls": 0, "det_pts": [458.850006, 140.850006, 484.149994, 140.850006, 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You are not authorized to perform this operation.


passportType 證件類型
countryCode  國家碼
passportNumber  護照號碼
nameEn  英文姓名
name  中文姓名
sex  性別
birthPlace  出生地
nationality  國籍
issuePlace 簽發地
issueAuthority 簽發機關
mrzLine1  機讀碼一
mrzLine2 機讀碼二
validToDate  有效期至
birthDate  出生日期
issueDate  簽發日期
height            算法矯正圖片后的高度
width             算法矯正圖片后的寬度
orgHeight      原圖的高度
orgWidth       原圖的寬度
----------------------------------------prism_keyValueInfo 文字塊數組內的字段說明---------------------------------------
valuePos 外矩形四個點的坐標按順時針排列,左上、右上、右下、左下




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