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Provides a Dts Instance resource.

For information about Dts Instance and how to use it, see What is Instance.

-> NOTE: Available since v1.198.0.

Example Usage

Basic Usage

data "alicloud_resource_manager_resource_groups" "default" {
  status = "OK"
data "alicloud_regions" "default" {
  current = true
resource "alicloud_dts_instance" "default" {
  type                             = "sync"
  resource_group_id                = data.alicloud_resource_manager_resource_groups.default.ids.0
  payment_type                     = "Subscription"
  instance_class                   = "large"
  source_endpoint_engine_name      = "MySQL"
  source_region                    = data.alicloud_regions.default.regions.0.id
  destination_endpoint_engine_name = "MySQL"
  destination_region               = data.alicloud_regions.default.regions.0.id

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • auto_pay - (Optional) Whether to automatically renew the fee when it expires. Valid values:
    • false: No, the default value.
    • true: Yes.
  • auto_start - (Optional) Whether to start the task automatically after the purchase is completed. Value:
    • false: No, the default value.
    • true: Yes.
  • compute_unit - (Optional) Specifications of ETL. The unit is compute unit (CU),1CU = 1vCPU +4GB of memory. The value range is an integer greater than or equal to 2. NOTE: Enter this parameter and enable ETL to clean and convert data.
  • database_count - (Optional) The number of private custom RDS instances in the PolarDB-X. The default value is 1. NOTE: This parameter is required only when source_endpoint_engine_name is DRDS.
  • destination_endpoint_engine_name - (Optional, ForceNew) The target database engine type.
    • MySQL:MySQL databases (including RDS MySQL and self-built MySQL).
    • PolarDB:PolarDB MySQL.
    • polardb_o:PolarDB O engine.
    • polardb_pg:PolarDB PostgreSQL.
    • Redis:Redis databases (including apsaradb for Redis and user-created Redis).
    • DRDS: cloud-native distributed database PolarDB-X 1.0 and 2.0.
    • PostgreSQL: User-created PostgreSQL.
    • ODPS:MaxCompute project.
    • oracle: self-built Oracle.
    • mongodb:MongoDB databases (including apsaradb for MongoDB and user-created MongoDB).
    • tidb:TiDB database.
    • ADS: Cloud native data warehouse AnalyticDB MySQL 2.0.
    • ADB30: Cloud native data warehouse AnalyticDB MySQL 3.0.
    • Greenplum: Cloud native data warehouse AnalyticDB PostgreSQL.
    • MSSQL:SQL Server databases (including RDS SQL Server and self-built SQL Server).
    • kafka:Kafka databases (including Kafka and self-built Kafka).
    • DataHub: DataHub, an Alibaba cloud streaming data service.
    • clickhouse: ClickHouse.
    • DB2: self-built DB2 LUW.
    • as400:AS/400.
    • Tablestore: Tablestore.
    • NOTE:
  • du - (Optional) Assign a specified number of DU resources to DTS tasks in the DTS exclusive cluster. Valid values: 1 ~ 100. NOTE: The value of this parameter must be within the range of the number of DUs available for the DTS dedicated cluster.
  • fee_type - (Optional) Subscription billing type, Valid values: ONLY_CONFIGURATION_FEE: charges only configuration fees; CONFIGURATION_FEE_AND_DATA_FEE: charges configuration fees and data traffic fees.
  • instance_class - (Optional, ForceNew) The type of the migration or synchronization instance.
  • job_id - (Optional) The ID of the task obtained by calling the ConfigureDtsJob operation (DtsJobId).> After you pass in this parameter, you do not need to pass the source_region, destination_region, type, source_endpoint_engine_name, or destination_endpoint_engine_name parameters. Even if the input is passed in, the configuration in job_id shall prevail.
  • payment_type - (Optional, ForceNew) The payment type of the resource. Valid values: Subscription, PayAsYouGo.
  • period - (Optional) The billing method of the subscription instance. Value: Year, Month. NOTE: This parameter is valid and must be passed in only when payment_type is Subscription.
  • destination_region - (Optional, ForceNew) The target instance region. For more information, see List of supported regions. NOTE: This parameter or job_id must be passed in.
  • resource_group_id - (Optional) Resource Group ID.
  • source_endpoint_engine_name - (ForceNew, Optional) Source instance database engine type.
    • MySQL:MySQL databases (including RDS MySQL and self-built MySQL).
    • PolarDB:PolarDB MySQL.
    • polardb_o:PolarDB O engine.
    • polardb_pg:PolarDB PostgreSQL.
    • Redis:Redis databases (including apsaradb for Redis and user-created Redis).
    • DRDS: cloud-native distributed database PolarDB-X 1.0 and 2.0.
    • PostgreSQL: User-created PostgreSQL.
    • ODPS:MaxCompute.
    • oracle: self-built Oracle.
    • mongodb:MongoDB databases (including apsaradb for MongoDB and user-created MongoDB).
    • tidb:TiDB database.
    • ADS: Cloud native data warehouse AnalyticDB MySQL 2.0.
    • ADB30: Cloud native data warehouse AnalyticDB MySQL 3.0.
    • Greenplum: Cloud native data warehouse AnalyticDB PostgreSQL.
    • MSSQL:SQL Server databases (including RDS SQL Server and self-built SQL Server).
    • kafka:Kafka databases (including Kafka and self-built Kafka).
    • DataHub: DataHub, an Alibaba cloud streaming data service.
    • clickhouse: ClickHouse.
    • DB2: self-built DB2 LUW.
    • as400:AS/400.
    • Tablestore: Tablestore.
    • NOTE:
  • source_region - (Optional, ForceNew) The source instance region. For more information, see List of supported regions. NOTE: This parameter or job_id must be passed in.
  • sync_architecture - (Optional) Synchronization topology, value:
    • oneway: one-way synchronization, the default value.
    • bidirectional: two-way synchronization.
  • tags - (Optional) The tag value corresponding to the tag key.See the following Block Tags.
  • type - (Optional, ForceNew) The instance type. Valid values:
    • migration: MIGRATION.
    • sync: synchronization.
    • subscribe: SUBSCRIBE.
    • NOTE: This parameter or job_id must be passed in.
  • used_time - (Optional) Prepaid instance purchase duration.
    • When period is Month, the values are: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9.
    • When Period is Year, the values are 1, 2, 3, and 5.
    • NOTE:
      • This parameter is valid and must be passed in only when payment_type is Subscription.
      • The billing method of the subscription instance. You can set the parameter period.
  • synchronization_direction - (Optional) The synchronization direction. Default value: Forward. Valid values:
    • Forward: Data is synchronized from the source database to the destination database.
    • Reverse: Data is synchronized from the destination database to the source database.
    • NOTE: You can set this parameter to Reverse to delete the reverse synchronization task only if the topology is two-way synchronization.

Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported:

  • id - The key of the resource supplied above.
  • create_time - Instance creation time
  • dts_instance_id - The ID of the subscription instance.
  • instance_name - The name of Dts instance.
  • status - Instance status.


The timeouts block allows you to specify timeouts for certain actions:

  • create - (Defaults to 5 mins) Used when create the Instance.
  • delete - (Defaults to 5 mins) Used when delete the Instance.
  • update - (Defaults to 5 mins) Used when update the Instance.


Dts Instance can be imported using the id, e.g.

$ terraform import alicloud_dts_instance.example <id>