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Provides a Cloud Monitor Service Alarm resource.

For information about Cloud Monitor Service Alarm and how to use it, see What is Alarm.

-> NOTE: Available since v1.9.1.

Example Usage

Basic Usage

variable "name" {
  default = "tf-example"

data "alicloud_zones" "default" {
  available_disk_category     = "cloud_efficiency"
  available_resource_creation = "VSwitch"

data "alicloud_images" "default" {
  most_recent = true
  owners      = "system"

data "alicloud_instance_types" "default" {
  availability_zone = data.alicloud_zones.default.zones.0.id
  image_id          = data.alicloud_images.default.images.0.id

resource "alicloud_vpc" "default" {
  vpc_name   = var.name
  cidr_block = ""

resource "alicloud_vswitch" "default" {
  vswitch_name = var.name
  cidr_block   = ""
  vpc_id       = alicloud_vpc.default.id
  zone_id      = data.alicloud_zones.default.zones.0.id

resource "alicloud_security_group" "default" {
  name   = var.name
  vpc_id = alicloud_vpc.default.id

resource "alicloud_instance" "default" {
  availability_zone = data.alicloud_zones.default.zones.0.id
  instance_name     = var.name
  image_id          = data.alicloud_images.default.images.0.id
  instance_type     = data.alicloud_instance_types.default.instance_types.0.id
  security_groups   = [alicloud_security_group.default.id]
  vswitch_id        = alicloud_vswitch.default.id

resource "alicloud_cms_alarm_contact_group" "default" {
  alarm_contact_group_name = var.name

resource "alicloud_cms_alarm" "default" {
  name               = var.name
  project            = "acs_ecs_dashboard"
  metric             = "disk_writebytes"
  period             = 900
  contact_groups     = [alicloud_cms_alarm_contact_group.default.alarm_contact_group_name]
  effective_interval = "06:00-20:00"
  metric_dimensions  = <<EOF
      "instanceId": "${alicloud_instance.default.id}",
      "device": "/dev/vda1"
  escalations_critical {
    statistics          = "Average"
    comparison_operator = "<="
    threshold           = 35
    times               = 2

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • name - (Required) The name of the alert rule.
  • project - (Required, ForceNew) The namespace of the cloud service, such as acs_ecs_dashboard and acs_rds_dashboard. For more information, see Metrics Reference. NOTE: The dimensions and metric_dimensions must be empty when project is acs_prometheus, otherwise, one of them must be set.
  • metric - (Required, ForceNew) The name of the metric, such as CPUUtilization and networkin_rate. For more information, see Metrics Reference.
  • contact_groups - (Required, List) List contact groups of the alarm rule, which must have been created on the console.
  • metric_dimensions - (Optional, Available since v1.173.0) Map of the resources associated with the alarm rule, such as "instanceId", "device" and "port". Each key's value is a string, and it uses comma to split multiple items. For more information, see Metrics Reference.
  • effective_interval - (Optional, Available since v1.50.0) The interval of effecting alarm rule. It format as "hh:mm-hh:mm", like "0:00-4:00". Default value: 00:00-23:59.
  • period - (Optional, Int) The statistical period of the metric. Unit: seconds. Default value: 300.
  • silence_time - (Optional, Int) Notification silence period in the alarm state, in seconds. Default value: 86400. Valid value range: [300, 86400].
  • webhook- (Optional, Available since v1.46.0) The webhook that should be called when the alarm is triggered. Currently, only http protocol is supported. Default is empty string.
  • enabled - (Optional, Bool) Whether to enable alarm rule. Default value: true.
  • escalations_critical - (Optional, Set, Available since v1.94.0) A configuration of critical alarm. See escalations_critical below.
  • escalations_info - (Optional, Set, Available since v1.94.0) A configuration of critical info. See escalations_info below.
  • escalations_warn - (Optional, Set, Available since v1.94.0) A configuration of critical warn. See escalations_warn below.
  • prometheus - (Optional, Set, Available since v1.179.0) The Prometheus alert rule. See prometheus below. Note: This parameter is required only when you create a Prometheus alert rule for Hybrid Cloud Monitoring.
  • targets - (Optional, Set, Available since v1.216.0) The information about the resource for which alerts are triggered. See targets below.
  • composite_expression - (Optional, Set, Available since v1.228.0) The trigger conditions for multiple metrics. See composite_expression below.
  • tags - (Optional, Available since v1.180.0) A mapping of tags to assign to the resource.
  • dimensions - (Optional, Map, Deprecated since v1.173.0) Field dimensions has been deprecated from provider version 1.173.0. New field metric_dimensions instead.
  • start_time - (Optional, Int, Deprecated since v1.50.0) Field start_time has been deprecated from provider version 1.50.0. New field effective_interval instead.
  • end_time - (Optional, Int, Deprecated since v1.50.0) Field end_time has been deprecated from provider version 1.50.0. New field effective_interval instead.
  • operator - (Removed since v1.216.0) Field operator has been removed from provider version 1.216.0. New field escalations_critical.comparison_operator instead.
  • statistics - (Removed since v1.216.0) Field statistics has been removed from provider version 1.216.0. New field escalations_critical.statistics instead.
  • threshold - (Removed since v1.216.0) Field threshold has been removed from provider version 1.216.0. New field escalations_critical.threshold instead.
  • triggered_count - (Removed since v1.216.0) Field triggered_count has been removed from provider version 1.216.0. New field escalations_critical.times instead.
  • notify_type - (Removed since v1.50.0) Field notify_type has been removed from provider version 1.50.0.

-> NOTE: Each resource supports the creation of one of the following three levels.


The escalations_critical supports the following:

  • comparison_operator - (Optional) Critical level alarm comparison operator. Default value: >. Valid values: >, >=, <, <=, !=, GreaterThanYesterday, LessThanYesterday, GreaterThanLastWeek, LessThanLastWeek, GreaterThanLastPeriod, LessThanLastPeriod. NOTE: From version 1.225.0, comparison_operator cannot be set to ==.
  • statistics - (Optional) Critical level alarm statistics method. It must be consistent with that defined for metrics. For more information, see How to use it.
  • threshold - (Optional) Critical level alarm threshold value, which must be a numeric value currently.
  • times - (Optional, Int) Critical level alarm retry times. Default value: 3.


The escalations_info supports the following:

  • comparison_operator - (Optional) Info level alarm comparison operator. Default value: >. Valid values: >, >=, <, <=, !=, GreaterThanYesterday, LessThanYesterday, GreaterThanLastWeek, LessThanLastWeek, GreaterThanLastPeriod, LessThanLastPeriod. NOTE: From version 1.225.0, comparison_operator cannot be set to ==.
  • statistics - (Optional) Info level alarm statistics method. It must be consistent with that defined for metrics. For more information, see How to use it.
  • threshold - (Optional) Info level alarm threshold value, which must be a numeric value currently.
  • times - (Optional, Int) Info level alarm retry times. Default value: 3.


The escalations_warn supports the following:

  • comparison_operator - (Optional) Warn level alarm comparison operator. Default value: >. Valid values: >, >=, <, <=, !=, GreaterThanYesterday, LessThanYesterday, GreaterThanLastWeek, LessThanLastWeek, GreaterThanLastPeriod, LessThanLastPeriod. NOTE: From version 1.225.0, comparison_operator cannot be set to ==.
  • statistics - (Optional) Warn level alarm statistics method. It must be consistent with that defined for metrics. For more information, see How to use it.
  • threshold - (Optional) Warn level alarm threshold value, which must be a numeric value currently.
  • times - (Optional, Int) Warn level alarm retry times. Default value: 3.


The prometheus supports the following:

  • prom_ql - (Optional) The PromQL query statement. Note: The data obtained by using the PromQL query statement is the monitoring data. You must include the alert threshold in this statement.
  • level - (Optional) The level of the alert. Valid values: Critical, Warn, Info.
  • times - (Optional, Int) The number of consecutive triggers. If the number of times that the metric values meet the trigger conditions reaches the value of this parameter, CloudMonitor sends alert notifications.
  • annotations - (Optional, Map) The annotations of the Prometheus alert rule. When a Prometheus alert is triggered, the system renders the annotated keys and values to help you understand the metrics and alert rule.


The targets supports the following:

  • target_id - (Optional) The ID of the resource for which alerts are triggered. This is typically used to specify individual resources that should respond to the alert.
  • json_params - (Optional) Specifies additional parameters for the alert callback in JSON format. This can include configuration settings specific to the alert action.
  • level - (Optional) The level of the alert. Valid values: Critical, Warn, Info.
  • arn - (Optional) ARN uniquely identifies the resource that the alert targets. -> NOTE: The targets attribute is used to specify where notifications or actions should be directed when an alarm condition is met. This attribute corresponds to what is referred to as the "Push Channel" in the Alibaba Cloud console. -> NOTE: Currently, the Alibaba Cloud Resource Name (ARN) of the resource. To use, please submit an application.


The composite_expression supports the following:

  • level - (Optional) The level of the alert. Valid values: CRITICAL, WARN, INFO.
  • times - (Optional, Int) The number of consecutive triggers.
  • expression_raw - (Optional) The trigger conditions that are created by using expressions.
  • expression_list_join - (Optional) The relationship between the trigger conditions for multiple metrics. Valid values: &&, ||.
  • expression_list - (Optional, Set) The trigger conditions that are created in standard mode. See expression_list below.


The expression_list supports the following:

  • metric_name - (Optional) The metric that is used to monitor the cloud service.
  • comparison_operator - (Optional) The operator that is used to compare the metric value with the threshold. Valid values: >, >=, <, <=, !=, GreaterThanYesterday, LessThanYesterday, GreaterThanLastWeek, LessThanLastWeek, GreaterThanLastPeriod, LessThanLastPeriod.
  • statistics - (Optional) The statistical method of the metric.
  • threshold - (Optional) The alert threshold.
  • period - (Optional) The aggregation period of the metric. Unit: seconds.

Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported:

  • id - The resource ID in terraform of Alarm.
  • status - The status of the Alarm.


-> NOTE: Available since v1.163.0.

The timeouts block allows you to specify timeouts for certain actions:

  • create - (Defaults to 1 mins) Used when create the Alarm.
  • update - (Defaults to 1 mins) Used when update the Alarm.
  • delete - (Defaults to 1 mins) Used when delete the Alarm.


Cloud Monitor Service Alarm can be imported using the id, e.g.

$ terraform import alicloud_cms_alarm.example <id>