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This data source provides Cloud Monitor Service Metric Rule Black List available to the user.What is Metric Rule Black List

-> NOTE: Available in 1.194.0+

Example Usage

data "alicloud_cms_metric_rule_black_lists" "default" {
  ids        = ["${alicloud_cms_metric_rule_black_lists.default.id}"]
  category   = "ecs"
  namespace  = "acs_ecs_dashboard"

output "alicloud_cms_rule_black_list_example_id" {
  value = data.alicloud_cms_metric_rule_black_lists.lists.0.id

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • category - (ForceNew,Optional) Cloud service classification. For example, Redis includes kvstore_standard, kvstore_sharding, and kvstore_splitrw.
  • metric_rule_black_list_id - (ForceNew,Optional) The first ID of the resource
  • namespace - (ForceNew,Optional) The data namespace of the cloud service.
  • ids - (Optional, ForceNew, Computed) A list of Metric Rule Black List IDs.
  • metric_rule_black_list_names - (Optional, ForceNew) The name of the Metric Rule Black List. You can specify at most 10 names.
  • output_file - (Optional) File name where to save data source results (after running terraform plan).
  • name_regex - (Optional, ForceNew) A regex string to filter results by Group Metric Rule name.

Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported in addition to the arguments listed above:

  • ids - A list of Metric Rule Black List IDs.
  • names - A list of name of Metric Rule Black Lists.
  • lists - A list of Metric Rule Black List Entries. Each element contains the following attributes:
    • category - Cloud service classification. For example, Redis includes kvstore_standard, kvstore_sharding, and kvstore_splitrw.
    • create_time - The timestamp for creating an alert blacklist policy.Unit: milliseconds.
    • effective_time - The effective time range of the alert blacklist policy.
    • enable_end_time - The start timestamp of the alert blacklist policy.Unit: milliseconds.
    • enable_start_time - The end timestamp of the alert blacklist policy.Unit: milliseconds.
    • instances - The list of instances of cloud services specified in the alert blacklist policy.
    • is_enable - The status of the alert blacklist policy. Value:-true: enabled.-false: disabled.
    • metric_rule_black_list_id - The first ID of the resource
    • metric_rule_black_list_name - The name of the alert blacklist policy.
    • metrics - Monitoring metrics in the instance.
      • metric_name - The name of the monitoring indicator.
      • resource - The extended dimension information of the instance. For example, '{"device":"C:"}' indicates that the blacklist policy is applied to all C disks under the ECS instance.
    • namespace - The data namespace of the cloud service.
    • scope_type - The effective range of the alert blacklist policy. Value:-USER: The alert blacklist policy only takes effect in the current Alibaba cloud account.-GROUP: The alert blacklist policy takes effect in the specified application GROUP.
    • scope_value - Application Group ID list. The format is JSON Array.> This parameter is displayed only when 'ScopeType' is 'GROUP.
    • update_time - Modify the timestamp of the alert blacklist policy.Unit: milliseconds.