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GISV On-cloud Migration Service Content


1. Overview

1.1 Introduction

GISV On-cloud Migration Service provides consulting and implementation services based on Alibaba Cloud's product system during the cloud migration process of customers' core systems. This service helps customers perform cloud architecture design, cloud technology selection, migration plan design based on technology selection, technical consulting, and migration implementation support. This service guides customers in using Alibaba Cloud products and technologies more rationally and efficiently during the cloud migration process, thereby achieving rapid and smooth cloud migration and realizing the first step of digital transformation.

GISV On-cloud Migration Service includes the following service offerings, which customers can purchase based on their specific business requirements:

  • SAP On-cloud Migration Architecture Consulting

    • Includes cloud architecture design, cloud technology selection, migration solution design based on technology selection, and technical consulting services.

    • Excludes cloud implementation; if needed, please purchase the following cloud implementation services.

  • SAP On-cloud Migration Implementation

    • A SAP on Cloud implementation service package includes 30 consecutive working days of cloud implementation services.

  • SAP B1 On-cloud Migration Implementation

    • Includes SAP B1 system on-cloud implementation service.

Service Package Contents

SAP Cloud Architecture Consulting

SAP Cloud Implementation

SAP B1 On-cloud Implementation

Service Supplementary Pack

Solution research



On-demand support

Solution design



Solution implementation



Solution verification



Performance optimization


Security management


Any work or plans not defined within this SOW are outside the scope of this project.

2. Service Scope

The scope of GISV On-cloud Migration Service includes:

Alibaba Cloud provides consultation on the features, capacity, architecture, usage, and configuration of Alibaba Cloud services and products, offering best practices for utilizing Alibaba Cloud products.

Technical guidance on operations or system issues related to Alibaba Cloud resources.

Issues related to the Alibaba Cloud management console or other official Alibaba Cloud tools.

The scope of GISV On-cloud Migration Service does not include:

Code development.

Daily operational services include the installation, testing, fault diagnosis, and optimization of third-party software.

Note: For third-party software issues that are not within the scope of Alibaba Cloud GISV On-cloud Migration Service, customers can access free consultation services on the Alibaba Cloud community or contact cloud market merchants for assistance.

3. Prerequisites

  • Party A is required to apply for this service at least 15 working days in advance to allow Alibaba Cloud to assess the feasibility of Party A's business objectives and timeline, confirming whether to accept the service application.

  • If Party A's application involves a large volume of resource requirements, it is recommended that Party A apply one month in advance, subject to negotiation based on supply chain assessment.

  • Party A is expected to provide all necessary reasonable documents, information, data, charts, as well as necessary system permissions and remote access channels to enable the service to be provided by Party B. All such materials will be subject to the confidentiality terms under this agreement. Party A agrees that all information disclosed or to be disclosed to Party B is true, accurate, and not misleading.

  • The location of Party B's office for the cloud consulting service is not constrained by the project. The primary means of service delivery include phone, DingTalk, email, and others. On-cloud implementation services will mainly be delivered on-site.

  • Party B will provide delivery services for this project during normal business hours, from Monday to Friday, from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM Beijing time (excluding national statutory holidays).

  • During the project implementation, both parties will use the communication method agreed upon by both parties, with the project managers of both parties responsible for conveying the written information required for this project. Optional communication methods include DingTalk, the Internet, FAX, email, and others.

  • All project deliverables will be in Chinese (Simplified) or English, and the working language will be Chinese or English. All deliverables will be in Microsoft Office format (including PPT, WORD, Excel, Visio) and submitted electronically.

  • Party A and Party B shall engage in project work in accordance with the work plan, personnel resource plan, and work start and end dates determined by the system that are agreed upon in advance by both parties. In the event of an iterative delay in the launch of Party A's relevant business systems, the progress of the relevant projects will be delayed, and Party B will not be held responsible for this.

  • If a third party needs to be introduced, Party A and Party B shall be responsible for separately entering into contracts with their respective third parties. Party B is not responsible for the actions of Party A's other subcontractors or vendors (except for Party B's subcontractors), nor is it responsible for delays caused by them. Party A is not responsible for the actions of Party B's other subcontractors or vendors (except for Party A's subcontractors), nor is it responsible for delays caused by them.

  • Neither party shall be liable for special, incidental, or indirect damages or consequential economic damages (including loss of profits or cost savings) under this contract, even if such party has been advised of the possibility of such damages.

4. Responsibilities

4.1 Customer and Alibaba Cloud

  • The customer purchases GISV On-cloud Migration Service and, after Alibaba Cloud's review and communication, confirms the establishment of the service.

  • Within the agreed service duration, both parties agree upon and confirm specific business objectives and scope.

  • The specific division of labor interface is shown in the figure below:

SAP On-cloud Migration service

Service Type


Task Name

Task Details


Ali Cloud

SAP On-cloud Migration Architecture Consulting

Project research stage

Infrastructure research

Conduct research on the customer's existing SAP environment through remote information collection + on-site communication and discussion



Business status and application system research

Through remote information collection + on-site communication and discussion to understand the customer's current detailed business status, technical structure, and core demands



Project design stage

Cloud solution design

Based on the customer's SAP environment survey status, technical architecture and customer wishes, design the cloud solution and confirm with the customer



Optimization and guarantee

Performance optimization

Optimize the performance of cloud systems to improve system response speed and stability



Security management

Conduct security management of cloud systems, including data encryption, identity authentication, security audit, etc.



SAP On-cloud Migration Implementation

Migration implementation stage

System migration to cloud and deployment

Complete the overall cloud implementation process of SAP test systems, development systems, etc., and achieve smooth business migration to the cloud.



Solution verification

Monitor cloud systems to ensure system stability and security



SAP B1 On-cloud Implementation

Migration implementation stage

System migration to cloud and deployment

Complete the overall cloud implementation process of SAP B1 systems, and achieve smooth business migration to the cloud.



Solution verification

Monitor cloud systems to ensure system stability and security



Responsibility Abbreviation: R-Responsible, A-Accountable, C-Consulted, I-Informed, S-Support, cooperating with R to complete the work of the indicator.

4.1.1 Customer

  • The customer designates a project manager with suitable skills and experience as the primary contact for communication with Alibaba Cloud. This project manager represents the customer and is directly responsible for planning, coordinating, supervising, and controlling the project's implementation, as well as addressing upgrade issues and risks. Additionally, the project manager has full authority to make decisions on behalf of the customer in all aspects of the project.

  • Determine business objectives (eg: peaks, concurrency, etc.).

  • Provide venues, equipment, necessary non-production environments, remote access channels, permissions, etc., and cooperate with Alibaba Cloud to provide services.

  • Collaborate with Alibaba Cloud to investigate existing system issues, participate in specific implementation plans, such as capacity stress testing and issue localization.

  • Review the cloud migration plan proposed by Alibaba Cloud and confirm specific implementation plans in writing or via email. The customer may not reject technical recommendations or proposals provided by Alibaba Cloud without valid technical reasons.

  • Implement specific optimization and expansion plans.

  • Authorize Alibaba Cloud to set up, adjust Anti-DDoS Pro IP service parameters, set defense bandwidth, use Security Knight products to carry out system vulnerabilities, WEB application vulnerabilities, port security scanning, and virus and Trojan detection.

  • Authorize Alibaba Cloud to perform 24/7 monitoring and analysis for security incidents.

4.1.2 Alibaba Cloud

  • Assign an experienced cloud project manager to manage the migration project, introduce and manage the project team members of Party B, and communicate with the project manager of Party A.

  • Responsible for the organization of the project and establishing an expert support team.

  • Understand the client's business objectives and scope, formulate a hypercare implementation plan, and obtain written confirmation (including but not limited to email) from the client's project sponsor.

  • Provide various service catalogs specified in this work statement, such as capacity assessment, cloud product architecture optimization, etc., and give suggestions to ensure that the system's capacity indicators meet business objectives.

  • During the migration process, participate in the customer's operation and maintenance and emergency support, including providing technical advice and solutions.

  • With the authorization of the customer, set and adjust the high-defense IP service parameters, set the defense bandwidth, use the Security Knight product to carry out system vulnerabilities, WEB application vulnerabilities, port security scanning, and virus and Trojan detection, and formulate a repair plan based on the detection results.

  • With the authorization of the customer, 7X24 hours monitoring and analysis of security incidents, and making repair plans according to the emergency plan.

4.1.3 Criteria of Completion

  • SAP On-cloud Migration Architecture Consulting service completion standards

    • The design of the cloud migration plan has been completed and confirmed by Party A, and the "SAP Cloud Migration Solution Design Report" has been submitted, including Alibaba Cloud resource benchmarking, architecture optimization, security management, and other suggestions or plans.

  • SAP On-cloud Migration Implementation service completion standards

    • The cloud implementation has been completed and confirmed by Party A, and the "SAP Cloud Migration Implementation Report" has been submitted, which includes Alibaba Cloud resource benchmarking, architecture optimization, security management, cloud system monitoring, and verification, as well as other suggestions or plans.

  • SAP B1 On-cloud Implementation service completion standards

    • The cloud implementation has been completed and confirmed by Party A, and the "SAP B1 On-cloud Implementation Report" has been submitted, which includes SAP B1 system migration plans.

4.2 Service Catalog

Service content: GISV On-cloud Migration Service are targeted at customers ’business goals and include the following services:

Service Package Contents

SAP On-cloud Migration Architecture Consulting

SAP On-cloud Migration Implementation

SAP B1 On-cloud Implementation

Service Supplementary Pack

Project research stage

Infrastructure research


On-demand support

Business status and application system research


Project design stage

Cloud solution design


Migration implementation stage

System migration to cloud and deployment



Solution verification



Online guarantee stage

Performance optimization


Security management


Note: The above services are provided by the Technical Service Manager (TAM) or the Delivery Manager (TM). If the on-site service is required, an additional on-site service fee will be charged per person-day (national statutory holidays are calculated as 3 times the person-day), and the on-site time shall not exceed the migration service package time.

5. Service SLA

  • Provide GISV on-cloud technology experts.

  • Provide customers with solution technical verification and on-site support as needed during the service period.

  • Provide "SAP Cloud Migration Solution Design Report" , "SAP Cloud Migration Implementation Report" and "SAP B1 On-cloud Implementation Report".

6. Service Process

GISV On-cloud Migration Service process


7. Acceptance Criteria

7.1 Acceptance List

SAP On-cloud Migration service

Service Content

Delivery Stage

Delivery Details


Delivery Type

SAP On-cloud Migration Architecture Consulting

Current situation research stage

Infrastructure research

“SAP Cloud Migration Solution Design Report”


Business status and application system research

Project design stage

Cloud migration solution design

Online guarantee stage

Performance optimization

Security management

SAP On-cloud Migration Implementation

Migration implementation stage

System migration to cloud and deployment

“SAP Cloud Migration Implementation Report”

Solution verification

SAP B1 On-cloud Implementation

Migration implementation stage

System migration to cloud and deployment

“SAP B1 On-cloud Implementation Report”

Solution verification

7.2 Acceptance Criteria

Alibaba Cloud provides the following deliverables, which shall be regarded as qualified for service acceptance:

For SAP on-cloud migration services, Alibaba Cloud offers the "SAP Cloud Migration Solution Design Report" , the "SAP Cloud Migration Implementation Report" and the "SAP B1 On-cloud Implementation Report" obtains written confirmation from the customer (including via email).

If Party A's business process requires various internal reviews to be conducted before Party B submits the deliverables, Party A shall promote and complete the necessary internal reviews and reports in a timely manner before the agreed-upon acceptance time.

If the document's content needs to be modified after the review meeting, Party B will submit it to Party A for acceptance after making the necessary modifications, and Party A's designated representative will sign for confirmation.

7.3 Acceptance Plan

According to the delivery content and deliverables at each stage listed in "7.1 Acceptance List," this project will be subject to project acceptance following the acceptance plan outlined below. Party A agrees to accept Party B's deliverables based on this acceptance plan.

SAP On-cloud Migration Service Acceptance Plan


Acceptance start time

Acceptance content

Acceptance completed sign


Design and verification of "SAP Cloud Migration Solution Design Report" completed

"SAP Cloud Migration Solution Design Report"

Party A confirms the acceptance plan online


Design and verification of "SAP Cloud Migration Implementation Report" completed

"SAP Cloud Migration Implementation Report"

Party A confirms the acceptance plan online


Design and verification of " SAP B1 On-cloud Implementation Report" completed

“SAP B1 On-cloud Implementation Report”

Party A confirms the acceptance plan online

8. Project Completion

The project is completed after the customer confirms the acceptance.